Blogging Pet Peeves.

Hi. I like eggs. <-- [If you know what that is from... leave your answer in the comments and we can be friends.] 

Anyway. I'm not doing WIWW today because I didn't have to go to work today and after looking in my closet, I decided I didn't feel like trying to get creative. I mean, I pretty much do the 30x30 thing every day of my life because I'm living out of two suitcases. Yeah, TWO. For a YEAR. Now let's all quit complaining that we don't have anything to wear, because I guess that to some people, two suitcases of clothing would be quite a bit. 

So. Moving on... I've decided that I'm going to tell you all a few of my pet peeves when it comes to blogging. I figure that as someone else who probably writes a blog, you might like to know what other blog readers find really annoying. You're welcome in advance. Ha. 

1. Word Validation on Comments. You know what, people? I'm not a robot, and when you make your page refresh and have me type a word, chances are very high that I didn't realize I'd have to type a word, and I've already left your page. This is highly unnecessary. I've had that thing turned off since Day 1, and have only had maybe 1 spam comment? Google's spam detection is pretty dang good. Use it. 
If you don't know how to turn it off, email me. I'll help you. 

2. Tiny pictures. Pictures are great - I love pictures. But you know what I don't love? Straining my eyes for ten minutes because I can't tell if your tiny picture has a dog or a horse. 

3. Run on paragraphs. People, line breaks in text are not only nice, they are almost necessary. My eyes will hurt, I'll lose my place, I'll get pissed and leave your page within 30 seconds of being there. Do yourself a favor and learn to use the enter button. It is a wonderful thing. 

4. Girly text for the body of your posts. Having fun text for post titles is great, I even encourage and welcome it. BUT. When I get to your page and it is any text other than times new roman, arial, trebuchet, verdana, courier, helvetica, or georgia (the default blogger fonts), I will probably leave. Unless I like you. Then I'll read until my eyes get tired (which will take about 30 seconds) and leave a comment about what I read. Do yourself (and the rest of the world a favor) and change your font!! 

5. Generic comments with three words and a link. This does not bother everyone, but it makes me so annoyed. As a general rule, I almost never visit people who do this. The standard offense looks a little something like this. 

BONUS Pet Peeve: No-Reply Bloggers. We've gone over this already. If you have the new blogger dashboard, email me if you can't figure it out. I'll help you, because I want to reply to your comments that badly!


Keri said...

I feel special. I have word verification and you still comment! Whoa. I have removed it in the past, and I kid you not, within 24 hours I have had to delete 3 spam comments. So...I'm sorry...I hope you don't leave me but I'm not removing it. :( I understand why you hate it though, because I hate it myself.

Can I add one to your list? Automatic music with no simple, clear, EASY TO FIND way to turn it off. If I wanted to listen to Toby Keith or Justin Bieber or your three old's rendition of "Nasty Boys" I would be on iTunes, not your blog.

Courtney B said...

I totally understand why people have word verification... I get spam comments each day and if one of them wreck my computer I will be pissed! I'm thinking about adding word verification for that reason, but I won't yet :)

Lacy in the Sky with Diapers said...

I am laughing pretty hard because I still haven't changed my no reply blogger thing... I promise I will do it today!! LOVE you! Now please please follow me back!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

love love love love love this times a million! totally twitter sharing this ;-)

i get a lot of spam comments, but i still keep my word verification turned off. they filter into a spam box so why is it so hard for people to just press delete?!!?

some thing else i am beginning to hate are blogs that are swarming with other blog sponsorships...the shoutouts and guestpost have overtaken some of my fav blogs which makes me sad because i no longer want to read them! i also hate disqus commenting. sooo frustrating to me :)

a while back i did a similar post but i didnt write 'pet peeves' because i knew many of my blog friends did the was my way of saying, change it pronto without directly saying that! but yes, they were all of my pet peeves listed in one post:

ps: i hate small photos with a passion. give us something to look at people!

<3 loved this

Stesha said...

awesome! follow me!!


This is the best post! Its so true and you definitely made my morning! I hate small pictures, I hate pretty writing, the word verification doesnt bother me so much, but I almost never visit people who leave a comment saying, "cute blog, wanna follow each other?"

happy wednesday!!

Jenny-O said...

Ok, haha, so I changed the word verification thingy!!! We'll see how it goes with the next 48 hrs or so! Didn't realize I could change that.

As for the "no reply" thing, doesn't that publish my email address then? I'm not super keen on the idea of having my email address floating out there (since it's the one I use all of the time)...?

Thanks for the tips!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

I hate generic comments with a link too. I'm thinking, did you even read my post? Or did you just look at that the pictures? I love comments that have nothing to do with what your post is about. Obviously, I'm being sarcastic. I don't really like disqus comments or anything other than the standard. I don't want it taking longer to comment than read the actual post. There's very few people that have disqus, that I will leave a comment for.

Michelle said...

OH MY I agree with you on all of these. I hate all of this!

Breenah said...

I'll visit your blog if you comment on my post. I'll follow you if I'm interested in what you write. If I'm not interested in what you write IT'S OKAY. I will not follow you if you ask me to. It's needy.

Kelly said...

Hehe this rocks.

1) The word verification: I have mine turned off but in the span of 1 day I've received 7 spam comments. For some reason it was unusually bad yesterday. I get emails every time someone comments, so spam comments are annoying, so I was considering turning word verification back on. Now, I don't think I will...

2) I also get very annoyed when other bloggers want me to check out their site and "follow". Sometimes I will, but I guaranteed won't follow if you asked me. Sounds rude, but heck, I don't like beggars.

3) My eyes actually hurt reading that picture of font that you uploaded. You definitely proved your point well :)

B said...

I understand the word verification thing completely. I read tons of blogs, and having to do that all the time sucks. I just have moderated comments. :-)

Orange you glad I leave you nice, long special comments? I like doing that. It seems so much more personal than HEY FOLLOW ME AND READ ME AND I'LL READ YOU BACK. Um, no. Fuck off.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha! These are awesome! I can't stand the same things!

Maria Larsen said...


Two suitcases for a year? I applaud you. I love buying new things, so I probably would have acquired new things by then.

I'm right there with you for word validation. Makes me SO angry. (As well as stupid. OMG AWESOME PICTURES on a post with only one picture....) And pretty much everything else for that matter.

Plus, when I'm trying to respond to someones comment, which I tend to try and do often, it makes me sad when I see I can't!

Unknown said...

Amanda Show- are we BFF's now?

I know how you feel. Especially those dang "follow me" people. They need to get a life.

Marisa said...

Haha - I love this! I feel a bit bad commenting on this as I'm not a blogger and so I shouldn't be one to judge others who put so much time and effort into creating their blog.

BUT my biggest pet peeve is blogs with music! Drives me batty! Like most people I generally have my own music playing. So when a blog has music I then have to search the blog to find the source of the offence in order to make it stop. What is worse is the fact I often open multiple tabs at once and then am forced to search through all the open pages to find the offender.

Ok - it feels good to get that off my chest!

Chelsea said...

It's from the AMANDA SHOW!!!!

Girl. I was fist pumping so hard at every single point you made. Not lying. Especially the girly font. I quit reading if I see a girly font.

Alana Christine said...

Follow me.

hahahahaha jk

I agree with every bit of this post! LOVE it!

{Grace} said...

Word verification IS SO ANNOYING!!! Ugg....

his little lady said...

oh my goodness, i dislike word verification SO MUCH! i'm glad someone finally said it!
xo TJ

Shay said...

You are HILARIOUS and I completely agree with all of these. One I would love to add is when people have music players that start automatically. I love listening to music but it scares the crud out of me when I have my volume up!

Stacey said...

loved this post - Im guilty of the word verification although I've now switched it off as I hated it anyway! Brilliant points

megan danielle said...

definitely just changed my comment thing so theres no word verification...ive always hated it but thought it was a NECESSITY. thanks for letting me know its not!

Natasha Louise Taylor said...

HAHAHAHA!! Alyx, you are so honest, I love it!!! I'm sorry if I failed at any of the above! ;)

Unknown said...

YES! I agree! With everything actually. Nicely put! As always. *wink*

Sarah said...

Amanda Show! Friends. Check. Haha. I hate generic comments. Boo.

Unknown said...

I'm not gonna lie, I stumbled upon some DVDs of The Amanda Show recently and bought them hahaha

All of those things drive me nuts! The word verification is the worst...especially if it doesn't appear until after you've tried to submit your comment.

My other huge pet peeve is blogs with music. I usually have my own music on and hate when it competes!

Sophie said...

cool post.

follow me and ill follow you back?

hahaah. getting those comments ARE THE WORST!! thats my number 1 pet peeve.

on a serious note though, i just found your blog and i love it :) and im following xx

Lish @ Imprintalish said...

Words. right. out. of my mouth, friend. Especially the word validation, I almost don't comment on some blogs because of it!

Madeline Grace said...

Hi, I like eggs! It's from the Amanda Show! Man that show was awesome. I feel like finding it online and watching it now. The other day my friend posted the 'Good Burger' song on facebook and I kept thinking about all of the old shows like that.

I completely agree on the word validation thing! It is so annoying! & if I am going to leave my link on someone's page I always make sure I've left more than 3 words. If leave less than 4 sentences I feel strange just leaving my link because it takes up as much space as the comment I left!

Susie said...

Advice taken. ;)

Kylie said...

I pretty much agree with basically every one of these. Might I add this: having comments pull up in their own full page instead of a pop-up window. Sometimes I like to look back at the post to see what I wanted to comment on, and I don't want to have to click the back arrow. You're likely to get a shorter, more generic comment from me.

Gentri said...

Here's one more for your list- I can't stand when the font is so light in color that I can hardly read it. I don't mind and even like light colored fonts (grey only) but I won't strain my eyes to read their blog posts.

Casey said...

I second every single word of that post! Awesomesauce. Although, I've probably done my fare share of run-on paragraphs. I never know when to shut up. Admitting is the first step to recovery, right? :)

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

I want to spread this list all over the internet so it somehow reaches every blogger ever. Can we start a campaign??

Heather said...

hahah, i love your tutorial on how to enable emailing. i know, it stinks to not be able to reply to something you realllllly want to!

word verification also drives me nutso, because like you, sometimes I hit enter, and exit before I know to verify the word, oops.

anyways, found my way over from Shane's blog and wanted to say hello!!

Lindsey said...

This was awesome and I literally laughed out loud! I just found your blog via Danielle's This Life I Live Blog and I'm very happy I did! I'm sure I'm an offender of your pet peeves but I still found them hilarious and usually all things I try to avoid. :) Thanks for the fun post...I'll continue reading!

Kristen Victoria said...

love it.
follow each other? :) :) :)

Just kiddddddingggggg! haha

I'm so thankful you said something about the run on paragraphs. There are a ton of great blogs that do this... if they only knew the enter button would do them wonders in the follow department!

Haylee said...

haha oh my gosh this post. SPOT ON. Seriously I feel the need to like thank you for saying what has needed to be said for way too long.

Chelsea Olivia said...

I hate word verification so much. It drives me nuts when people have it on!

PS - The Amanda Show.
My favooooooooooorite growing up haha. "MA-HA!" :B

Samara said...

I changed my settings for email so people can reply- I had no idea about this!!

Thanks :-)


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