I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm excited to get back to our little apartment in Echzell. Spain and Scotland have been fun, but there is no place like home. Today is our travel day, so I'm without internet until we're back in our apartment.
I've got one last amazing guest post for you today (with some commentary by me... I couldn't resist! Sorry, Erin!), and she's pretty much amazeballs. Her name is Erin, and she is super awesome! She used to live and work in Germany, too, which is actually what this post is about. You have to read it and then check her out - she's great!
She also does web design, and if any of you are looking for Wordpress blog design, she is amazing. Take it away, Erin!
Hi Everyone! This is Erin from EEF Etcetera, and I'm hijacking Alyx's blog! Today I'm going to tell you all about when I lived in Germany--which was a few years ago now, but was so much fun that it's still worth talking about!

I lived in Bavaria. I'm pretty sure that German who live up north make fun of this region (Alyx here: she's right... they do), much like we in Indiana make fun of people in Kentucky. In fact, Bavaria even has its own accent, which means I can't understand a darn thing that people who speak "proper" German say!
Despite the fact that the Germans down in Bavaria have a strong accent, wear lederhosen semi-regularly (no, really!), and let their cows walk through town (really!), it is BEAUTIFUL in this area. I lived in Garmisch-Partenkirchen which is a cute little tourist town that is surrounded by alps. The photo above I took while riding my bike just south of town!

And of course, there's lots of drinking. Lots. Or maybe that was just us. But with several festivals throughout the year, there were lots of opportunities to get a great German bier!
Did I mention that this place looks just like a story book?

While there I worked at the Edelweiss, which is actually an American military hotel, and I'll be honest, the jobs were kind of lame (scraping plates, serving coffee, etc. nothing glamorous). But the opportunity it gave me to travel, learn about other cultures, and meet new people was well worth it!
I hope you've enjoyed learning a little about me and my time in Germany! If you ever have the opportunity to visit Garmisch-Partenkirchen, I highly recommend it!
Visit me here:
Love your post and love your blog, Erin!
It is so much fun to read what other people think about Germany. :)
I come from the south west of Germany and yeah, we make fun of people from Bavaria. :) The accent is just hilarious and it is hard for me to understand too.
You really see cows on the streets. I love it! A town next to mine has a traffic light just for cows. Really.
As a German I need my German beer in America. I am glad that you can find some there. But i had to drive an hour to find my favorite German beer.
I spent 5 days in Garmisch and another weekend a few months later in Grainau so I am soooo excited to see photos I recognize!!! We also hiked the gorge, which is just incredible. Anyone who goes to Garmisch needs to check it out!!! But beyond that, the area is straight out of an alp fairytale- just sooo pristine, and especially in the winter! Love this post!!!
Aw this is AWESOME! :) I love your post Erin! ....such beautiful scenery! my camera would be in SERIOUS heaven! :P :P
I'm going to Garmisch-Partenkirchen next February and am so excited, way beautiful! Working at a hotel must be so fun and a great way to meet people!
This place looks gorgeous! I've never been to Germany before, but I'm planning on it someday. I'll definitely stop by here :) And I'll stop by your blog!
I. Am. Getting. So. Excited. To. Move. To. Germany!!!!
I want to go to Bavaria SO badly. These pictures only make that urge stronger. Actually I really just want to go to Germany. Great post.
Amazing photos, Germany is so beautiful there! I would love to visit Germany some day, and I totally agree with you, the scenes feel like they're from fairy tales/picture books. I find the views of cabins + meadows very very gorgeous, can't stop looking at it.
Jo Bao ♥
okay, could these images been any more beautiful!!??
i really hope i can visit europe soon. so much history and greenery :)
xo TJ
these photos are incredible! according to all these pics and your posts, looks like I need to head to Germany asap. it's slowly inching its way to the top of my to-do list! can't wait to hear more about your travels alyx :)
So awesome!! Love these pictures!!
An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me.. My name is james i live in germany,and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{ideshispelltemple@outlook .com}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {5}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {ideshispelltemple@outlook.com},if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to the ideshispelltemple for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.{ideshispelltemple@outlook.c om}
My name is Mr GOLD JOHN ,I live in Mexico,and I’m happily married with a lovely wife and three children. I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote.“There’s someone who can handle your situation,he’s always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as follows.”Shakes Spear Great Oracle Temple Solution”. I never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dreamt of loosing my lovely wife.And that’s how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that I’ll get my wife back a day after.so i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming back…..So amazing!! That’s how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by “Shakes Spear Great Oracle Temple Solution”. So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same website,and tell him your problems too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy family. THANKS.... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS :shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com.. CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL
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My Name is AZIBA OLUBOISE. I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called shakesspear23@yahoo.com Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizingI NEVER BELIEVED IN LOVE SPELLS UNTIL I MET THIS WORLD'S TOP SPELL CASTER. HE IS REALLY POWERFUL AND COULD HELP CAST SPELLS TO BRING BACK ONE'S GONE,LOST,MISBEHAVING LOVER AND MAGIC MONEY SPELL OR SPELL FOR A GOOD JOB.I'M NOW HAPPY & A LIVING TESTIMONY COS THE WOMAN I HAD WANTED TO MARRY LEFT ME 2 WEEKS BEFORE OUR WEDDING AND MY LIFE WAS UPSIDE DOWN COS OUR RELATIONSHIP HAS BEEN ON FOR 2YEARS... I REALLY LOVED HIM, BUT HIS MOTHER WAS AGAINST US AND HE HAD NO GOOD PAYING JOB. SO WHEN I MET THIS SPELL CASTER, I TOLD HIM WHAT HAPPENED AND EXPLAINED THE SITUATION OF THINGS TO HIM..AT FIRST I WAS UNDECIDED,SKEPTICAL AND DOUBTFUL, BUT I JUST GAVE IT A TRY. AND IN 7 DAYS WHEN I RETURNED TO USA, MY GIRLFRIEND(NOW WIFE) CALLED ME BY HERSELF AND CAME TO ME APOLOGIZING THAT EVERYTHING HAD BEEN SETTLED WITH HIS MOM AND FAMILY AND SHE GOT A NEW JOB INTERVIEW SO WE SHOULD GET MARRIED..I DIDN'T BELIEVE IT COS THE SPELL CASTER ONLY ASKED FOR MY NAME AND MY GIRLFRIENDS NAME AND ALL I WANTED HIM TO DO... WELL WE ARE HAPPILY MARRIED NOW AND WE ARE EXPECTING OUR LITTLE KID,AND MY WIFE ALSO GOT THE NEW JOB AND OUR LIVES BECAME MUCH BETTER. IN CASE ANYONE NEEDS THE SPELL CASTER FOR SOME HELP, HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS;shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com ......HOPE HE HELPS YOU OUT OUR OPPORTUNITY ... CONTACT THIS GREAT SPELL CASTER VIA EMAIL:shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com...
Need a spell caster?then think of Shakes Spear he is real reliable and he does what he promise you.I know all this because he helped with my marriage problem.For security reason i will not live my name here but i can tell you all he did to help me.Me and my family live in the US military base here in America,my wife is a solider and i love it that she is and i support.But being a solider means she is half my wife and fully the U.S army.before her three tour we were so in love and we had a kid son who we both love him.It all changed after her two tour in Iraq and Afghanistan,i noticed the distance her second tour she stopped call at first i thought maybe she was part of an accident but i found out that she was OK in Afghanistan.She explained that she always on patrol.It got ugly on the third. I guess in the last two tours she found herself a new lover and then totally forgetting me and our boy.I can not say i did not notice because she always has to be some where instead of with me,coming up with some silly excuse not to be with me that is ( have sex ) and her entire behavior told me all i needed to know. i did my research and i had a hint that it was her squad lieutenant.I had know evidence so a could not take the matter to any body.It killed me to seeing this happen i was going suicidal.What hurt me the most was she going home knowing that i suspect she infidelity,she kept lying to me over and over again.The power of positive thinking helped me a lot.I thought that maybe i can find in the help on the internet with the people who had being in the same problem with him.I found a lot of ways but nor worked except Shakes Spear spell.At that time five month ago i was so confused that i could do anything to get my wife back so i contacted Shakes Spear with his email address i saw in some comment on the internet at shakesspear23@yahoo.com.I laid down my problem to him and told him the entire story and he even confirmed my hint was right, how he did i do not know but he was right because my wife told me later after the spell was made effective. Shakes Spear cast a spell on them both do not know what he did but it seem he made them both forget they ever crossed path romantically speaking like they never know each other expect there official relationship that is squad leader and solider.I owe my life to Shakes Spear what he did saved my marriage.I can tell you this because i have tried and it worked for me.Your case also have a solution with Shakes Spear contact him with his email shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com
My Name is Racheal Vivian, I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr Shakes spell temple, on what he has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband with his great spell, I was married to this man called Mathew we were together for a long time and we love each other but when I was unable to give him a child after 2 years, he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man. My friend gave his email to me and asked me to contact him but I didn't want to because I doubted at first but later reconsidered because it's so rear for a man to be as powerful like she said. So I contacted her through this email ( shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com) You won’t believe this when I contacted this man and told him my problems he cast the spell and my ex came back begging on his knees and asking me to forgive him. Not only that after a month I miss my monthly flow, when I went to my doctor, he confirm that I am pregnant so I told myself that I will testify to the whole wide world about the wonders of the powerful man if I give birth successfully. I am so happy today because I am a mother of a bouncing baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr Shakes Spear for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of the following situations :
(1) If you want your ex-back.
(2) If you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Herbal care
(10) if you are unable to satisfy your wife sex desire due to low err action.
(11) If your menstruation refuse to come out the day it suppose or over flows.
(12) If your work refuse to pay you, people owing you.
(13) Solve a land issue and get it back.
(14) Did your family Denny you of your right?
(15) Do you have a low sperm count?
(16) Are you contesting for any political position in your country?
(17) Case solves E.T.C
You are free to contact him at ( shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com ) ..... CONTACT HIM NOW FOR ALL ANSWERS TO ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS:shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com
BEWARE OF THESE SCAMS!!! DR SHAKES SPEAR IS THE ONLY SPELL CASTER TO TRUST!( shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com) will be of great help to you.
I never believed in spell casting but After 4 years of dating my hobby, he left me because I lost my womb . I felt like my life has come to an end, I almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to the spell caster called Shakes whom I met online after my friend Tracy told me about how he helped her. She testified about how Dr SHAKES brought back her Ex in less than 3 days and reversed the effect of her lost womb, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr SHAKES email address:shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com. I decided to give Dr SHAKES a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problems to him. In just 3 days, my Hubby came begging. We resolved our issues, and we are even happier than before, am pregnant now to God be the glory. Dr SHAKES is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... Come to think of it I didn't pay much and all I have to do is send him little 250 dollars which he used in providing the materials used for the spell. Even my pastor said that God works mysteriously, that some men are used by God to help others. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Contact Dr SHAKES anytime, he is the answer to your problems. Here's his contact (shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com).... CONTACT HIM TODAY FOR ALL KIND OF SOLUTION YOU NEED TO ALL PROBLEMS HERE:shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com
How do you see spell casting? As a fake thing, as a story or maybe as an ideal part of an imagination?Before you finally conculde on how you see or what you thing i will advice that you conduct a research and i mean a good research on spell casting and its history then maybe then you will finally come to know the true power of spell casting that we all underrate.I once had and shared this logical believe before fate fate and my marriage problem made me realize that spell casting is as real as a baby coming out of vagina.In the sense that as impossible as it may seem to you there is a 90% certainty that it works and works well.But you should know there are some fake among the real and honest ones.I was so fortunate to meet a real and honest one just as i thought to give spell casting a shot.H is all over every blogging page and broken relationship sites SHAKES SPEAR. SHAKES SPEAR IS ONE OF THE GREATEST THERE IS.I am not just trying to make you fell like you must contact him , is only trying to express how excellent is work is.Trust me i experienced it first hand.Having a sex addicted as a husband is worse than having a cheating husband.Knowing that he loves you with all hes got but can help but can to cheat on you.I know some will rather suggest a rehab , but just to clear the air he checked into rehab four times and was discharged with a report saying he was well but really outside rehab he was back to being an addict of sex.I hated to see that my husband never stopped loving me but couldn't help but but to cheat on me.W had four kids two teens and two other young one age five and seven.It will be ugly to know that there father i a sex addict that can't help but to cheat on me and still dear to say he love me.Only understood but it as all the same tearing my home down just thing about my husband making love to random women that is not me.We could even had gotten infected with some deadly S.T.D or S.T.I i was ready to live him and take my children along with me.But living the man i love just cos he had a problem was coming to hunt me for he rest of my life so by miracle or by fate rather i read about SHAKES SPEAR on the internet.I read about like ten article about how he saved so many people marriages and relationships though my case was different i just felt like he can help me.I just had to let all my thought about spell casting go and i brought myself to contact him.It cos of SHAKES SPEAR my husband is back to how i and even himself want him to be i mean making love to no other woman but me.I just need some material that he asked me to bring to cast the spell.Believe me it will be better for you to ask him to get the materials for you off course with the money you will be sending cos looking for it yourself will be a total waste of time resources and even energy.you should know you must trust him.What ever he ask you to bring just provide it cos his reason are are true. At a time i felt like he was trying to me extort me but i turned out that i was wrong he made understand he was only trying to help complete the worked i asked him to help me do.All thank to the spell prepared by SHAKES SPEAR it save my marriage and family.I will live his email address here for you to contact him for help of any sort.shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com..... ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com
Dr Ogudugu is like a father to the fatherless.. i never believed these will really make a change in my marriage, and i never have it in my thought that i could ever been with my husband Mr Devis after divorcing and ending our 33years marriage.... My life was upset i never knew where to start from when my husband broke up with me.....My name is Jane Devis from Poland but got married and live in Chicago USA, GREATOGUDUGU@GMAIL.COM is the right email address to contact for an urgent help in getting your lover back.... My husband and I have been together for 33years before he divorced me and i was so upset because i thought i have lost my marriage forever... i did all i could to please for my husband to bring me back home but all to be in vain.. i had to travel away from my state because i was not having anywhere to stay because my home was not conducive for me to stay because my husband want me out of th house, i travel to a friend of mine in California, one night, when i was searching on a good spell caster results that help in bringing back lost lover's and husband's, i found an interesting story that was shared by Santana Valdez From Texas Huston, about a good spell caster called Dr Ogudugu,and how he helped her in getting her husband back home, and i decided to put a try in contacting him... he replied me back.. i thought at first these was just normal and he told me that i was going to get back my husband after a period of 28hours i still doubted him.... But today as i am sharing these good news is for me to express my experience to all the whole universe that these is a good spell caster that helps in bringing back lost lovers and he is.or call +2348066421534 I am happily with my husband and my 3 kids, TARRY, WENDY, JEFF... great Ogudugu i thank you for helping me to get my family back.... his email address is (GREATOGUDUGU@GMAIL.COM or +2348066421534)
Good new to everyone, i am an one of the Agents sent by the Lord superior (Grand master) to bring as many of those who are interested in becoming a member of the great Illuminati temple, Beoming a Member of the ILLUMINATI. your qualifications are;-Only those who can provide service for themselves, like the Politicians, Musicians, Business Man/Woman, student, i do business, I own a Construction company, and i also own one of the Biggest Electronic Appliance shop, and my family now lives in USA, i was once like you, me & my wife were financially down to 1 square meal a day, what kind of life was that to live, I lived in poverty until i saw an opportunity to be a member of the GREAT TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD and i took my chances and i have been a member for close to 10 years now. The higher you get the richer you become Illuminati, it makes your business grow faster than you can ever imagine, illuminati brings out the talent in you and make you famous, as you become a member of illuminati order you will receive 2,000,000 US DOLLARS instantly on your Bank Account, there are many more other benefits you stand to gain, so if you are interested to be a member contact me now on +2347056024545 or our EMAIL churchofdevililluminati@gmail.com JOIN US TODAY & BECOME RICH, POWERFUL AND FAMOUS ALL YOUR LIFE
I am Mrs Ella Briggs from USA i am very happy and satisfied because i have finally met a real man a spell caster Dr Etiosa(DRETIOSA@YAHOO.COM) he is a real spell caster he brought back my husband and now we are living happily now. my husband and i have been married or 15years now with two boys and a girl we were a happy family until my husband started showing strange behaviors and he started coming home late he would shout at me at any given opportunity, started to see other ladies and he was planning to divorce me to move in with another woman i was so devastated as i love my husband and i don't want my children to suffer so i started looking for help i tried everything humanly possible to make him love me again but nothing worked out.. i met a friend of mine who told me about a spell caster Dr Etiosa so i decided to contact him because i really wanted to have my husband of 15years back so i hoped and prayed and Dr Etiosa told me my husband will come back to me and love me again i had my doubts but i hoped for the best and two days later after Dr Etiosa casted the spell my husband called asking to take me out we went out to together and there he apologized to me and saying he loved me and he didn't know what he was doing. we are now happy, thank you Dr Etiosa for bringing back my joy thank you sir you a kind and powerful spell cater,, he also told me he can cast any kind of spell, money spell, love spell, good luck spell, vengeance spell, promotion spell and so on contact him now on DRETIOSA@YAHOO.COM
I think this testimony of mine is worth sharing. My name is Andrey and I live in Canada. I lost my job in a stoke broking firm some years ago. All efforts to get a new one proved abortive and for 3 years I was feeding on my savings and for the past 1 year I have been borrowing to feed. I went to several churches and I was told that they were forces working against my getting a job which I believed but none of them could help me get out. I never believed a psychic can cast a good spell to help me get my job back as I have always been skeptical about them. I saw Dr Etiosa online and I read his article: “how to know a fake spell caster” after which he dropped his email contact DRETIOSA@YAHOO.COM. I contacted him after reading the article and lo and behold, he told me some things to do. I obeyed him with full faith and believed and it took me just 7days to get my old job back with a promotion. Now I am a floor manager in my office, thanks to Dr Etiosa. I know you all have your doubts but I assure you that contacting Dr Etiosa will make you see the difference. He is real friends, he is wonderful. He also does love spells, beauty charms, he can help you get your ex back, he does property charms and many more. I introduced my friends to him and he has proven to be reliable and genuine. His contact is DRETIOSA@YAHOO.COM. I wish you luck.
Hey are you crying that your lover has left you and the kids for another woman, you don't have to cry anymore because i was in the same position till i heard about Dr. Ekpen of Ekpen Temple how he has help so many people in there are relationship, today i can boldly recommend Dr. Ekpen Of Ekpen Temple to someone for help. He did not fail me i also believe he can not fail you too contact him at ((((ekpentemple@gmail .com)))) or you can add him on viber +2347050270218 goodluck.
Hey are you crying that your lover has left you and the kids for another woman, you don't have to cry anymore because i was in the same position till i heard about Dr. Ekpen of Ekpen Temple how he has help so many people in there are relationship, today i can boldly recommend Dr. Ekpen Of Ekpen Temple to someone for help. He did not fail me i also believe he can not fail you too contact him at ((((ekpentemple@gmail .com)))) or you can add him on viber +2347050270218 goodluck.
What will i do to thank Doctor EHOHO the great spell caster for the help he rendered to me? how do i appreciate him for helping me get my lover back after 6 years of breakup? this is a testimony i must share because Doctor EHOHO is a God on earth. My heart is filled with Joy because GARBE the father of my two children is back. He left me 6 years ago for GLORIA and said he does not love me any more because we had a fight, though i did all i could to get him back but my effort seems abortive just 3 days ago a friend of mine told me about Doctor EHOHO who helped her to solve all relationship problems so i decided to contact him also via email. Today i want to let the world know that Doctor EHOHO's spell is active, he is a man of his word and can be trusted 100% because as i speak now GARBE the father of my two children came back to me yesterday on his knees begging me to forgive and accept him back. Do you need help of any kind then Contact Doctor EHOHO today via Email: drehohotemple@gmail.com or cell number +2348128037847 He also cast so many spell like,
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) you need a divorce in your relationship.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women & men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Herbal care.
(10) if you have any kind sickness like ( H I V/AIDS ),(CANCER) or any sickness.
Contact him today on this Email: drehohotemple@gmail.com or cell number +2348128037847
i AM A FULL MEMBER OF ILLUMINATI, SO PROCEED IF YOU WANT TO JOIN NOW Email us (thetempleofilluminati@gmail.com),Mr Williams, I am glad today because am now a successful man of Illuminati, i have taught of been one of the Illuminati member so that i will be wealthy for life and my family will be forever rich. I get linked up by a man called Mr Anderson who introduce me to this agent who have a successful influence with this occult Illuminati, so he took me joining the team to their real powerful man in UK who was the head of all Illuminati member to help his cousin on belonging to the membership. All because of him he really did all for me, and now am so glad of becoming a Illuminati member, i am now rich and wealthy. Thank your Mr S heats For your support. Illuminati is a great and powerful means to get popular in life. So if you really wants to be like me today email us:(thetempleofilluminati@gmail.com).contact us now: +2348107106668. or call our agent UK: +447031912217
EASY WAY TO JOIN THE ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD IN THE WORLD, I AM A FULL MEMBER OF ILLUMINATI, SO PROCEED IF YOU WANT TO JOIN NOW Hi, i am presently here in Nigeria for some sub cultural information going around, I am glad today because am now a successful member of Illuminati, i have thought of being one of the Illuminati member so i can be wealthy for life and my family will be forever rich and protected. I get linked up by a man called Mr Richard who introduced me to his agent who have a successful influence with this occultic Illuminati, so he took me joining the team, are you looking
for help,are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today.you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the church of illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact any body you must be link by who is already a member, I just wanna thank Mr charles for his support,Join us today and realize your dreams. email: illuminatimoney666@outlook.com or you contact our phone number +2348153191918 Once you become a member you will be ich and famous for the rest of your life, illuminati make there member happy so i will want you all to also be a member of the illuminati if you are interested contact email
on illuminatimoney666@outlook.com or you contact our phone
number +2348153191918
JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL+2349039645112 OR call our agent in united kingdom (UK) +447937425133 info. illuminati.templeground@gmail.com
Are you a business man or woman, political,musicain,student
then you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life,
join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get
instant rich sum of. 1million dollars
in a week, and a free home. any where you
choose to live in this world and also get
10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary...
A Cash Reward of USD 500,000 USD
A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD 300,000USD
A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream
tourist destination.
One year Golf Membership package
A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
A total Lifestyle change
Access to Bohemian Grove
Monthly payment of 1,000,000 USD into your
bank account every month as a member
One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world
Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.
If you are interested call the agent now
+2349039645112 or call our agent in united kingdom (UK) +447937425133 send your mail
to info.illuminati.templeground@gmail.com for
immediately initiation.New members registration is now open online.
JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL+2349039645112 OR call our agent in united kingdom (UK) +447937425133 info. illuminati.templeground@gmail.com
Are you a business man or woman, political,musicain,student
then you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life,
join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get
instant rich sum of. 1million dollars
in a week, and a free home. any where you
choose to live in this world and also get
10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary...
A Cash Reward of USD 500,000 USD
A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD 300,000USD
A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream
tourist destination.
One year Golf Membership package
A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
A total Lifestyle change
Access to Bohemian Grove
Monthly payment of 1,000,000 USD into your
bank account every month as a member
One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world
Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.
If you are interested call the agent now
+2349039645112 or call our agent in united kingdom (UK) +447937425133 send your mail
to info.illuminati.templeground@gmail.com for
immediately initiation.New members registration is now open online.
Do you want to be a member of Illuminati as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the worldwide .Are you a business man or woman,artist, political, musician, student, do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 2 million dollars in a week, and a free home.any where you choose to live in this world and also get 1,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary %u2026
1. A Cash Reward of USD $500,000 USD
2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD
3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.
5.One year Golf Membership package
6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 7.A total Lifestyle change 8.Access to Bohemian Grove
9.Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member
10.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.
If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood illuminati satanic hand symbol contact us no +2348107345943 OR on our Email via homeofrichieandfame@gmail.com
Hurray Everyone !
Join the great Illuminati cult online today and become rich and famous in the world and also get sum of 5 million dollars with a free home of your choice to live in the world and also be getting 2 million as monthly salary and also been giving money to start up a business of your choice, If you are interested contact us via church.of.richesandfame@gmail.com Or Whatsapp us on +2348058195604 for more info. Attach Scan I’d card,passport or driver license containing your full details Tell us little about your self and Attach scan school certificate.. No dirty human sacrifices and No evil…is a cult of Illuminati group. our email:church.of.richesandfame@gmail.com If interested Or Whatsapp us on +2348058195604 for more info.
ATTENTION YOU ALL: I am agent james clitom the Illuminati official agent,i am from united kingdom and I join Illuminati in US,i have been give the alternative to expose Illuminati to the universe that Illuminati is real when you met the rightful agent like me james cliton,i have been an agent to this brotherhood more than eight year now and I am still a member and agent,don't be afraid to contact us if you are willing to join this fraternity, this fraternity welcome anybody in this wide world,this comment is been post by head office,the last comment that was past by the head office in UK was been using by fraudsters and the comment has been stopped by the Lord and from now upward (4 August 2016) we the Illuminati have stop using it because a lot of scammed are now creating a fake UK number,that is why will have come with new identity number to locate the rightful agent by calling the head office in USA not in UK anymore,ignore +44 has head office from today 4 August 2016 and start calling +1 has head office number for conform,be ware that no need for calling UK number has Illuminati head office,is now located in US,for confirmation call +1(862)260-4433
To join call james cliton at +(234)70844240 or In-box us on E-mail: illuminatiwealthz12@gmail.com or visit us on website at (http;//illuminatiwealthz12.wix
Beware that will the Illuminati is now working on a new program to limited fraudsters and scammer that always use our comment to aim and achieve,please don't call UK number has head office has confirmation,it has be bandy by us the Illuminati now at 4 august 2016 call +1(862)260-4433 as confirmation number,no need of contacting us mobile chat as face-book,james mike,you are ask to whatsapp an E-mail us,for joining,don't face-book any agent,it is not our access to join on face-book chat,the only alternative to join is to E-mail/whatsapp james cliton at +2347080844240
The rightful identity of us the Illuminati:
HEAD OFFICE: +1(862)260-4433
CALL: +234(708)0844-240
E-MAIL illuminatiwealthz12@gmail.com
Be aware of scammer and contact us the real Illuminati,reach us through james cliton from now,
Fake identity of us Illuminati this list below:
Head office is not located in UK anymore, don't add anybody with UK number and don't E-mail any email that is not illuminatiwealthz12@gmail.com
Please don't lead yourself to fraudsters all the name of Illuminati,the complain of I have been scam is more than what will can complicated with!save your self by contacting us through this comment of us the Illuminati head office,.......................
the kind of life you are living today do you want your life to be change
totally, and for you to fulfill your dream, then you have the
opportunity to join now so that your life story we be change immediately
are you poor and you want to become rich in life ,like
other people or you want to be famous in life, are you a graduate
looking for job. you have to join now. or a business man or woman or
star who want to be fame and powerful, you don't have to waste any of
your time, are you suffering in life, make up your mind and join the
Illuminati kingdom to become a wealthy man or woman and also to become
famous and powerful in life email us now on
greatilluminatigodess@gmail.com or contact us on call:(+2349058752866)or+2347059766376.when a child found his or her self in the occean its either he lean how to swim or how to fly a word is ok for the wise.
+2347062982173 OR you can send messages on
Whatsapp on
same number you can call our new head office in USA because
our head office is no longer in UK we are now located In USA for
confirmations call our head office number
HEAD OFFICE NUMBER: +1(702)260-4433 you can message me on email on
worldorderilluminatinew@gmail.com )
WELCOME TO THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD. ILLUMINATI.contact us now illuminatitemple34solobest@gmail.com or you call/whatsapp our agent number +2347062982173 .? Do you want to be a member of Illuminati as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the worldwide Are you a business man or woman, artist, politician , musician, student, pastor,Footballer or basket baler do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life,join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 2 million-dollars in a week, and a free home.any where you choose to live in this wonderland also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary %u2026 BENEFIT GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. 1. A Cash Reward of USD$500,000 USD 2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD 3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice 4. One Month holiday(fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. 5.One year package 6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 7.A total Lifestyle change 8.Access to Bohemian Grove 9.Monthly payment of $5,000,000Usdinto your bank account every month as a member 10.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood illuminati666 satanic hand symbol contact us now.
Greeting, informings to all my fellow jamb students, my name is Sarah from Lagos, am here to you all about the great man God is using to help poor students like us, last year I and my brother wrote wale and unlucky for us we lost some of the subject, i felt like dying because it was my fourth time of writing wale. one day i was browsing when i saw a post thank one Mr Alex a wale official for helping him to upgrade his is papers that was lost , I thought is was a joke but i just took his number and call him and explain my problem to Mr momodu he told me not to worry that am very lucky to contact him, to my greats shuck my papers was release and upgrade to my expectation and that wan how I was able to process my admission into the university, so i urge you all that have low problem on you wale result to hurry and call Mr momodu now because he is the only person that is capable to help you upgrade and release your papers , i will advise you not to call any number you see on the internet because there are so many scammer online, if you really want to get a good papers, call Mr momodu now on his number (08147870123)don't miss this opportunity.
If i was told that becoming a member of the great brotherhood of Illuminati is as easy as reading ABCD i would not believe, this is because i have so fall victim of scam circumstance.
Brothers and Sisters, this is my story on how i successfully became a member of Illuminati. My name is Philip Robin, i live in Texas USA. Few years ago i lost my parents to a car accident and my mom was very ill after the death of my dad. Taking her to the hospital was hell for me because we were poor so i begin to grave for wealth and power because money rules the world.
This prompted me to look for a society and join where i can get wealth, power and fame so i meant a friend who said he read about a post on a blog online on how to become a member of the great Illuminati so i was very interested, and i collected the contact details of the agent from my friend but behold it was a scam. I got another contact from my girlfriend i contacted, and i made some payment for my initiation, But behold again it was a scam i lost thousands of $$$ to these fake agent who pretended to help people become a member of this great cult. So i lost focus and interest in becoming a member because i don't know if the nest agent i would be introduced to will also be a scam. So on a very good day i meant with my cousin who told me that his best friend have successfully become a member of the brotherhood, so i was very interested and i begged him for the contact of his friend. So he gave me his friend's contact and i contacted his friend and explained myself to him so he promised to help me. He introduced me to agent Thompson Mark who is incharge of the Illuminati recruitment in USA. so i emailed agent Thompson Mark on devililluminatichurch@gmail.com and he replied me requesting for some of my information but i was afraid at this stage because i thought he would ask me to pay some money again, and off cause i was not having anymore money to pay. But i was very surprised when he told me that i don't have to pay a dine to become a member of the great brotherhood of Illuminati so i was curious to know more and he explained all to me that those who live in USA don't pay to become a member except those who live overseas i.e outside USA so in a hurry i did all that was required and i was initiated into the brotherhood. as i speak with you i am a confirm member of the brotherhood of Illuminati and i am very wealthy now and famous. So i bring the good news to you all. if you are in USA please you don't pay a dine to become a member but outside USA, you might be requested to pay some fee. so if you are interested and want to become a true member without being scammed in a hurry contact agent Thompson Mark on this email: devililluminatichurch@gmail.com and if you are outside the USA contact the international agent with either call or whatsApp on +2349024338906 GREAT BROTHERHOOD! GREAT ILLUMINATI.
Good news!!! Good news!!!, Do you want to live a rich,healthy and famous life. Do you want to get rich immediately and be out of suffering? Do you want the world to recognize you and listen to you when you speak? do you want to be in power and control? if yes, here is a good tip just join the “ILLUMINATI ORGANISATION”, you may ask “How Can I Join” , the answer is simple all you have to do is to contact us at our Email address(illuminatikingdom11@gmail.com) or by calling us at (+2349036492096 or +1 918-505-9468) or you can also visit us Whatsapp (+2349036492096) ELEVATE YOURSELF FROM POVERTY..
Do not hesitate to contact us.
Phone number call: +2349036492096 or +1 918-505-9468
Whatsapp: +2349036492096
Email : illuminatikingdom11@gmail.com
PROCEDURE OF JOINING the great Illuminati brotherhood.
GREAT ILLUMINATI TEMPLE Of MONEY AND POWER JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL (+2348107569286) OR WHATS-APP [+2348107569286] OR EMAIL US AT.(Whitesmith666illuminatetemple@gmail.com) Are you a business man or woman, political, musician, student, the you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 1,million dollars in a week, and a free home. any where you choose to live in this world and also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary…
1. A Cash Reward of USD $500,000 USD
2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD
3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.
5.One year Golf Membership package
6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
7.A total Lifestyle change
8.Access to Bohemian Grove
9.Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member 10.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.If you are interested call the agent now (+2348107569286) OR email us with this, (Whitesmith666illuminatetemple@gmail.com) for immediately initiation.
What a miracle to have my ex back,my name is Cherry Lugard
and i need to share this great testimony... I just want to say thanks Dr (DR. BEN) for taking time to help me cast the spell that brings back my ex lover {now my husband},who suddenly lost interest in me after six month of engagement,but today we are married and we are more happier than never before, I am really short of words and joyful, and i don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you doctor BEN you are a God sent to restore broken relationship.he deeply enjoy helping people achieve their desires, find true love,getting their ex lovers back,stop abusive relationships,find success,attract happiness,find soul mates and more,contact him today. and let him show you the wonders and amazement of his Love Spell System. He deliver results at his best in real spell casting,email him for help on benherbaltemple@gmail.com Via: webs http://benherbaltemple.webs.com/ or you can also call him on +1(310)-220-0075.
What a miracle to have my ex back,my name is Cherry Lugard
and i need to share this great testimony... I just want to say thanks Dr (DR. BEN) for taking time to help me cast the spell that brings back my ex lover {now my husband},who suddenly lost interest in me after six month of engagement,but today we are married and we are more happier than never before, I am really short of words and joyful, and i don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you doctor BEN you are a God sent to restore broken relationship.he deeply enjoy helping people achieve their desires, find true love,getting their ex lovers back,stop abusive relationships,find success,attract happiness,find soul mates and more,contact him today. and let him show you the wonders and amazement of his Love Spell System. He deliver results at his best in real spell casting,email him for help on benherbaltemple@gmail.com Via: webs http://benherbaltemple.webs.com/ or you can also call him on +1(310)-220-0075.
What a miracle to have my ex back,my name is Cherry Lugard
and i need to share this great testimony... I just want to say thanks Dr (DR. BEN) for taking time to help me cast the spell that brings back my ex lover {now my husband},who suddenly lost interest in me after six month of engagement,but today we are married and we are more happier than never before, I am really short of words and joyful, and i don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you doctor BEN you are a God sent to restore broken relationship.he deeply enjoy helping people achieve their desires, find true love,getting their ex lovers back,stop abusive relationships,find success,attract happiness,find soul mates and more,contact him today. and let him show you the wonders and amazement of his Love Spell System. He deliver results at his best in real spell casting,email him for help on benherbaltemple@gmail.com Via: webs http://benherbaltemple.webs.com/ or you can also call him on +1(310)-220-0075.
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ATTENTION YOU ALL: I am agent white smith the Illuminati official agent,i am from united kingdom and I join Illuminati in US,i have been give the alternative to expose Illuminati to the universe that Illuminati is real when you met the rightful agent like me white smith,i have been an agent to this brotherhood more than eight year now and I am still a member and agent,don't be afraid to contact us if you are willing to join this fraternity, this fraternity welcome anybody in this wide world,this comment is been post by head office,the last comment that was past by the head office in UK was been using by fraudsters and the comment has been stopped by the Lord and from now upward (4 August 2016) we the Illuminati have stop using it because a lot of scammed are now creating a fake UK number,that is why will have come with new identity number to locate the rightful agent by calling the head office in USA not in UK anymore,ignore +44 has head office from today 4 August 2016 and start calling +1 has head office number for conform,be ware that no need for calling UK number has Illuminati head office,is now located in US,for confirmation call +1(862)260-4433
To join call white Smith at +(234)8107-569286 or In-box us on E-mail: whitesmith666illuminatetemple@gmail.com or visit us on website at
Beware that will the Illuminati is now working on a new program to limited fraudsters and scammer that always use our comment to aim and achieve,please don't call UK number has head office has confirmation,it has be bandy by us the Illuminati now at 4 august 2016 call +1(862)260-4433 as confirmation number,no need of contacting us mobile chat as face-book,imo,Eskimi,you are ask to whatsapp an E-mail us,for joining,don't face-book any agent,it is not our access to join on face-book chat,the only alternative to join is to E-mail/whatsapp white smith at +2348107569286
The rightful identity of us the Illuminati:
HEAD OFFICE: +1(862)260-4433
WHATSAPP: +(234)8107569286
CALL: +234(810)7569286
Be aware of scammer and contact us the real Illuminati,reach us through white smith from now,
Fake identity of us Illuminati this list below:
Head office is not located in UK anymore, don't add anybody with UK number and don't E-mail any email that is not whitesmith666illuminatetemple@gmail.com
Please don't lead yourself to fraudsters all the name of Illuminati,the complain of I have been scam is more than what will can complicated with!save your self by contacting us through this comment of us the Illuminati head office,,,
Am Christabel from San Francisco united States, am delighted to share with you how I became rich and famous just within 14days.
I have heard people saying you can become rich and famous by joining the Illuminati society but I never believed because I thought the society were only for musicians like Jay Z, Michael Jackson and other.
On a certain day I was on the internet I saw the official email address and Whatsapp number of the great Illuminati society online assistant agent responsible for registration. I contact him and he gave me guarantee that I will become rich once I join the society of Illuminati and that I will receive all my benefit after two weeks of registration which include a car, house, $1,000,000 to start up life and a monthly salary of $50,000 and a Golden box.
This is how i now become a millionaire in two weeks.
if you want to say good bye to poverty for life contact the online assistant on illuminatisociety2017@gmail.com or Whatsapp +2349028287911
WELCOME TO ILLUMINATI,; the Club of the Rich and Famous; is the world oldest and largest fraternity made up of 3 Millions Members.We are one Family under one father who is the Supreme Being. In Illuminati we believe that we were born in paradise and no member should struggle in this world. Hence all our new members are given Money Rewards once they join in order to upgrade their lifestyle.; interested viewers should contact us; on..(ymcmbworldmoney@outlook.com) (ymcmbworldmoney@gmail.com )or call Mr Andrew fore more info..+2349035553397
JOIN ILLUMINATI THE SECRET SOCIETY, CALL: +2348151972510 whatsapp or talk true sms message or Email: illuminatibrothershood6@gmail.com
ILLUMINATI comes from the latin meaning ''Enlightened ones'' They were a short lived secret society in the late 18th century whose chief aim was to bring New world order through moral and spiritual enlightenment.The central figure who started this secret society was Adam weishapt ,who was a German philosopher, and a professor of civil and canon law.Adam was brilliant academically whose life and discipline was structure through the teaching of a Jesuit school.
Are you sure that you want to join illuminate society we have been guiding many people through.Spirit guides from all over the World.
I will reveal to you the secrets of Your life and mysteries of the untold.
Helping you achieve your goals for success,And ways to improve your destiny.We welcome every one to this society where by,are you a musician,footballer,firm star,politician etc, every one can [THE MORE PEOPLE THE MORE STRENGTH $ POWERS WE GAIN],Join now. For more information call on +2348151972510 or Whatsapp, or sms message come all.
Hello!!! Do you want to be a member of the great illuminati and start receiving 50,000,000.00USD monthly and be popular among others and have riches and fame,,this is the only chance of being of the illuminati..I was sent by the freemason high chief to bring 52 members into the illuminati,I have gotten 32,so we looking for 20,,so try and be among the tweenty people to be rich and famous, WhatsApp us on +2349061977495 OR Email us on:janetilluminatii666@gmail.com, so we can begin the joining process!!!
Hello everyone my mouth is full of testimony I was help by Dr Zack Balo. I have been married for four 8years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have be suffering until I meet a post where this man called Dr Zack Balo who have helped so many people and I decided to give him a try to help me bring my husband back home and believe me I just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 72hours as he have told me, my husband drove home by his self apologizing that I should forgive him, now my husband has show me love more than ever I am happy knowing Dr Zack Balo. So if you know you have these kinds of problem contact him through his private email: wiseindividualspell@gmail.com or call him on +2348078927387 and your heart desire will be granted.
OCCULT FESTIVAL IS HERE AGAIN! Join the Illuminati Brotherhood
online today
and get your instant sum of 1000000 US dollars with a free home
you choose to live in the world. New members are given 3,500 U.S
monthly as salary. Note that the higher you go in the society,
the bigger
your money and the better your life becomes. Make good use of
opportunity and have all your desires in life. THERE IS NO HUMAN
SACRIFICE(S). kindly fill the following information and forward
it to us
via the email displayed below .
Country_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Full name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Home address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
State._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Date of birth_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sex_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Phone_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Email_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Join us today and become rich and famous.Tell us little about
yourself You
can contact us with the mobile number and email address
displayed below.
Email: templeilluminati66@gmail.com
Contact 1.: +2348032214238
Whatsapp: +2348032214238
call +2348038253815 or add us on whatsApp +2348038253815 or email illuminatiwealth098@gmail.com GREETINGS!!!!! FROM THE GREAT GRAND MASTER! IN REGARDS OF YOU BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE GREAT ILLUMINATI, WE WELCOME YOU. Be part of something profitable and special (WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF THE ILLUMINATI). Are you a POLITICIAN, ENGINEER,DOCTOR, ENTERTAINER,MODEL,GRADUATE/ STUDENT,OR YOU HAVE IT IN MIND TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS/COMPANIES TO BECOME GREAT MINDS. It is pertinent to also know that For becoming a member, you earn the sum of $1,000,000 as the illuminati membership salary monthly.Be a part of this GOLDEN “OPPORTUNITY” The great illuminati Organization makes you rich and famous in the world, it will puxll you out from the grass root and take you to a greater height were you have long aspired to be and together we shall rule the world with the great and mighty power of the Illuminati, long life and prosperity here on earth with eternal life and jubilation. You can reach Us on illuminatiwealth098@gmail.com
My people i bring to you good news, and this is my joy and happiness. people say To become a member of the illuminati is a very difficult task. but i bring to your notice that to become a bonafide member of the brotherhood have been made very easy. sometime ago i was just eager to become a member, and i meant so many persons who never showed me the right way. few months ago i saw so many people testifying of how agent Gerald Ford linked them up, and they become a complete member of the brotherhood. so i decided to contact Agent Gerald Ford who gave me the right link to become a member and i was introduced to Brother Gerald Ford and he told me the truth that those in USA Don't pay any money from their to become a member of the Illuminati, and i am an American. so i was very Interested i called the illuminati agent number +18185836158 i was given that was when i followed all the steps, and today i am a proud member of the brotherhood of Illuminati. so i want you all to help me say a big thanks to agent Gerald Ford. In case you have been aspiring to become a member of the brotherhood illuminati, and you have not meet the right person before now, i want to tell you to quickly contact the right Illuminati agent now. he is no other person than Agent Gerald Ford. the mission of the brotherhood now is to wipe away suffering and hardship away from the life of all. so if you are a business man/woman, an artist, a pastor, a working class, student and do you want wealth,fame,protection,long life, prosperity just name it just as i have now, the illuminati is ready to help you achieve your dreams, Please if you wish to become a member of the great Illuminati contact email: churchofdevilfamily@gmail.com call or text +18185836158 and become a legitimate member, join us today and become rich, powerful, famous all your life.
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Do you want to be a member of Illuminati as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the worldwide .Are you a business man or woman,artist, political, musician, student, do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 2 million dollars in a week, and a free home. any where you choose to live in this world and also get 20,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary %2026
1. A Cash Reward of USD $800,000 USD
2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $500,000 USD
3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.
5.One year Golf Membership package
6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 7.A total Lifestyle change 8.Access to Bohemian Grove
9.Monthly payment of $8,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member
10.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.
If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood illuminati satanic hand symbol contact us now with this number or whatsapp me (+2348074100134 }OR Email- Illuminatimoney66@gmail.com Contact us with your details for approval
Full Name_____________
Nick Name_________
Date Of birth_________DD/MM/YYYY.
Valid ID(Scan Copy)______
Two Photos Passport______
Contact Address______
It is a well-known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,
Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs,
including the planning of a New World Order. Many world leaders,
Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty and senior executives of major Fortune
500 companies are members of Illuminati. join a secret cabal of mysterious
forces and become rich with boundless measures of wealth in your company or
any given business, the great Illuminati can make everything possible just
contact : illuminati666official@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2348140033827 EL
IAI LEXION Thaddeus Iam Vice-President of Citizen Outreach THE ILLUMINATI
Do not hesitate to contact us by WhatsApp.
Whatsapp: +2348140033827
Email : illuminati666official@gmail.com
payment of $500,000.00 USD into your bank account every month as a
member If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood kindly connect with us on Gmail via Davidscottilluminati666@gmail.com or join us for more information
I AM A FULL MEMBER OF ILLUMINATI, SO PROCEED IF YOU WANT TO JOIN NOW Am cifer smith from south africa, I am glad today because am now a successful man of Illuminati, i have taught of been one of the illuminati's member so that i will be wealthy for life and my family will be forever rich. I get linked up by a man called Mr samson who introduce me to this agent who have a successful influence with this ocultic illuminati, so he took me joining the team to their real powerful man in USA who was the head of all illuminati member to help his cousin on belonging to the membership. All because of him he really did all for me, and now am so glad of becoming a illuminati member, i am now rich and wealthy. Thank you Mr Anderson For your support. Illuminati is a great and powerful means to get popular in life. So if you really wants to be like me today contact his email him at___ joinilluminatiforhelp666@gmail.com or call or whatsapp +2349073889037.
Hey,I'm so excited my broken Marriage has been restored & my husband is back after he left me and our 2 kids for another woman. After 8 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Mohammed can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to Dr Mohammed. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr Mohammed real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at: monicaspiritualtemple@gmail.com , you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348134493948
Hey,I'm so excited my broken Marriage has been restored & my husband is back after he left me and our 2 kids for another woman. After 8 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Mohammed can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to Dr Mohammed. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr Mohammed real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at: monicaspiritualtemple@gmail.com , you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348134493948
I was going crazy when my husband breakup with me and left me for another woman. All thanks to Dr OKUTE spell the best love spell caster online that helped me to bring back my husband today and restore happiness in my marriage… I’m Tracy Richard by name i lives in England. My husband breakup with me and left me to be with another woman, and i wanted him back. I was so frustrated and i could not know what next to do again, I love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with another woman and this makes him break up with me so that he can be able to get married to the other lady and this lady i think use witchcraft on my husband to make him hate me and my kids and this was so critical and uncalled-for, I cry all day and night for God to send me a helper to get back my husband!! I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Okute spell can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a spell for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me so much, Oh My God! i was so happy, and today i am happy with my man again and we are joyfully living together as one big family and i thank the powerful spell caster Dr. OKUTE spell, he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr. OKUTE spell is best spell caster online who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and your lover is turning you down, or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster Dr. OKUTE spell on his email at: okutespell888@gmail.com ,you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2349061385058
Hello everyone,i am one of the Agents sent by the Lord
superior (Grand master) to bring as many of those who are
interested in becoming a member of the great Illuminati order,
am a business man, I own a Construction company, and i also
own one of the Biggest Electronic Appliance shop in one of the
country, and my family now lives in USA, i was once like you, me
& my wife were financially down to 1 square meal a day, what
kind of life was that to live, I lived in poverty until i saw an
opportunity to be a member of the GREAT TEMPLE OF
ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD and i took my chances and i have
been a member for close to 10 years now. The higher you get
the richer you become. Illuminati makes your business grow
faster than you can ever imagine,illuminati brings out the talent
in you and make you famous, as you become a member of
illuminati order you will receive 2,000,000 US DOLLARS
instantly on your Bank Account, these and many more other
benefits you stand to gain, so if you are interested to be a
member contact us now on whatssp +2349073889037 or email us
(joinilluminatiforhelp666@gmail.com) JOIN US TODAY & BECOME RICH,
Welcome to all post of illuminati cult where all your heart desire are
granted and power over all things in the world, this is well know fact that
the illuminati church consist of multi billionaires and have power, weath,
riches and be a famous person in the world.
Join the illuminati cult online today and get
instant sum of 300million
dollars with a free home anywhere you
choose to live in the world and also get
100,000,000 dollars monthly as a
If you are interested please kindly fill the
following information's to
this email below
(famousilluminatimoney666@gmail.com or whatsapp or call +2349037326964
A Cash Reward of USD $300,000,000 USD
A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD
$120,000 USD
A Dream House bought in the country of
your own choice
One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream
tourist destination.
One year Golf Membership package
A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
A total Lifestyle change
Access to Bohemian Grove
Monthly payment of $70,000,000 USD into
your bank account every month as a
One Month booked Appointment with Top 5
world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities
in the World.
Tell us little about yourself...
No dirty game,no sacrifices and
No evil, a cult of peace, big aim
Illuminati email us (famousilluminatimoney666@gmail.com or call or whatsapp
WELCOME TO THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD. ILLUMINATI.contact us now illuminatitemple03@gmail.com or you call/whatsapp our agent number +2347062982173 .? Do you want to be a member of Illuminati as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the worldwide Are you a business man or woman, artist, politician , musician, student, pastor,Footballer or basket baler do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life,join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 2 million-dollars in a week, and a free home.any where you choose to live in this wonderland also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary %u2026 BENEFIT GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. 1. A Cash Reward of USD$500,000 USD 2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD 3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice 4. One Month holiday(fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. 5.One year package 6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 7.A total Lifestyle change 8.Access to Bohemian Grove 9.Monthly payment of $5,000,000Usdinto your bank account every month as a member 10.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood illuminati666 satanic hand symbol contact us now.
WELCOME TO THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD. ILLUMINATI.contact us now illuminatitemple03@gmail.com or you call/whatsapp our agent number +2347062982173 .? Do you want to be a member of Illuminati as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the worldwide Are you a business man or woman, artist, politician , musician, student, pastor,Footballer or basket baler do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life,join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 2 million-dollars in a week, and a free home.any where you choose to live in this wonderland also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary %u2026 BENEFIT GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. 1. A Cash Reward of USD$500,000 USD 2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD 3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice 4. One Month holiday(fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. 5.One year package 6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 7.A total Lifestyle change 8.Access to Bohemian Grove 9.Monthly payment of $5,000,000Usdinto your bank account every month as a member 10.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood illuminati666 satanic hand symbol contact us now.
Join the great Illuminati today and become rich, famous and wealthy in business, music, political, social and economic world and also get sum of 5 million dollars with a free home of your choose to live, in the world. And also be receiving 3 million dollar as monthly income and also been giving money to start up a business of your choice…
If you are intresterd fill the following information to this email below
Full name………………………………
State of origin……………………….
Date of birth………………………….
Email address………………………
Attach Scan I’d card,passport or driver license
containing your full details Tell us little about your self and
Attach scan school certificate.. No dirty
human sacrifices and No evil…is a cult of Illuminati group of the prominent. our email:
mobile contact +15755780073 or whatsapp +2348100876275
Hello!!! Do you want to be a member of the great illuminati and start receiving 50,000,000.00USD monthly and be popular among others and have riches and fame,,this is the only chance of being of the illuminati..I was sent by the freemason high chief to bring 52 members into the illuminati,I have gotten 32,so we looking for 20,,so try and be among the tweenty people to be rich and famous, WhatsApp us on +2349061977495 OR Email us on:janetilluminatii666@gmail.com, so we can begin the joining process!!!
Don't fail to see the light. we are aware that there are a lot of scams here on social media
pretending to be agent of the Illuminati. Be careful, not everyone you see is real.
This organization is for PEACE, WEALTH, POWER and FAME. The organization requires no human or blood sacrifice
If interested to join, kindly WhatsApp +2348137089925 Or Email us: weblandinitiation366@gmail.com
Don't fail to see the light. we are aware that there are a lot of scams here on social media
pretending to be agent of the Illuminati. Be careful, not everyone you see is real.
This organization is for PEACE, WEALTH, POWER and FAME. The organization requires no human or blood sacrifice
If interested to join, kindly WhatsApp +2348137089925 Or Email us: weblandinitiation366@gmail.com
Don't failed to see the light. Money, powers, fame, and wealth become your title in just three days.
If interested to join the Illuminati brotherhood headquarters at (U.S.A) Email:(joinilluminati666usa@gmail.com)
Contact us through this line below. whats-app only
Please Whatsapp only +1(539)888-2243.
For your online initiation.
No matter where you are. No distance can affect the work of our baphomet.
Add us on whatsapp via:+1(539)888-2243.
Do not be deceived and beware of online internet
fraudsters claiming to be one of us do make sure you
confirm first before making an inquiries...
Illuminati is among the powerful secret societies in the world with an aim of ruling or taking over the world as it is now. For one to be powerful, popular and rich you must be belonging to one of the secret societies in this world. Our mission is to free minds from the chains they have been confined to. We know that the masses are awakening and that they are ready to get rid of what holds human civilization back. The goal is not immortality, is to create something, a system or a future. Be a part of something bigger and get reward generously for it. For More Information Contact Us;
whatsapp only. +1(539)888-2243.
Don't failed to see the light. Money, powers, fame, and wealth become your title in just three days.
If interested to join the Illuminati brotherhood headquarters at (U.S.A) Email:(joinilluminati666usa@gmail.com)
Contact us through this line below. whats-app only
Please Whatsapp only +1(539)888-2243.
For your online initiation.
No matter where you are. No distance can affect the work of our baphomet.
Add us on whatsapp via:+1(539)888-2243.
Do not be deceived and beware of online internet
fraudsters claiming to be one of us do make sure you
confirm first before making an inquiries...
Illuminati is among the powerful secret societies in the world with an aim of ruling or taking over the world as it is now. For one to be powerful, popular and rich you must be belonging to one of the secret societies in this world. Our mission is to free minds from the chains they have been confined to. We know that the masses are awakening and that they are ready to get rid of what holds human civilization back. The goal is not immortality, is to create something, a system or a future. Be a part of something bigger and get reward generously for it. For More Information Contact Us;
whatsapp only. +1(539)888-2243.
Don't failed to see the light. Money, powers, fame, and wealth become your title in just three days.
If interested to join the Illuminati brotherhood headquarters at (U.S.A) Email:(joinilluminati666usa@gmail.com)
Contact us through this line below. whats-app only
Please Whatsapp only +1(539)888-2243.
For your online initiation.
No matter where you are. No distance can affect the work of our baphomet.
Add us on whatsapp via:+1(539)888-2243.
Do not be deceived and beware of online internet
fraudsters claiming to be one of us do make sure you
confirm first before making an inquiries...
Illuminati is among the powerful secret societies in the world with an aim of ruling or taking over the world as it is now. For one to be powerful, popular and rich you must be belonging to one of the secret societies in this world. Our mission is to free minds from the chains they have been confined to. We know that the masses are awakening and that they are ready to get rid of what holds human civilization back. The goal is not immortality, is to create something, a system or a future. Be a part of something bigger and get reward generously for it. For More Information Contact Us;
whatsapp only. +1(539)888-2243.
Easy way to join the Illuminati brotherhood in the world. Kindly contact the Illuminati online registrations officer through email now: illuminatichurch05@gmail.com and you shall be given an ideal chance to visit our temple after initiation is completed by you, Do you intend to acquire riches fame, powers win contracts, your problems are over! Join the great Illuminati today and all your heart desires will be granted. for further inquires and information email now you can WhatsApp also on +2347067359573
Welcome to all post of illuminati cult where all your heart desire are granted and power over all things in the world, this is well know fact that the illuminati church consist of multi billionaires and have power, weath, riches and be a famous person in the world. Join the illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 300million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 100,000,000 dollars monthly as a salary... If you are interested please kindly fill the following information's to this email below (famousworldilluminati666@gmail.com or call +2349073943105}.. BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. A Cash Reward of USD $300,000,000 USD A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $120,000 USD A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year Golf Membership package A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World A total Lifestyle change Access to Bohemian Grove Monthly payment of $70,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. Tell us little about yourself... No dirty game,no sacrifices and No evil, a cult of peace, big aim Illuminati email us (famousworldilluminati666@gmail.com or call or whatsapp us on +2349073943105
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Welcome to all post of illuminati cult where all your heart desire are granted and power over all things in the world, this is well know fact that the illuminati church consist of multi billionaires and have power, weath, riches and be a famous person in the world. Join the illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 300million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 100,000,000 dollars monthly as a salary... If you are interested please kindly fill the following information's to this email below (famousworldilluminati666@gmail.com or call +2349073943105}.. BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. A Cash Reward of USD $300,000,000 USD A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $120,000 USD A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year Golf Membership package A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World A total Lifestyle change Access to Bohemian Grove Monthly payment of $70,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. Tell us little about yourself... No dirty game,no sacrifices and No evil, a cult of peace, big aim Illuminati email us (famousworldilluminati666@gmail.com or call or whatsapp us on +2349073943105
Hello viewers, it is unfortunate that our secret
fraternity have become
what most people now use as there aim of
getting money, I would say sorry
to those who have falling to the once who claim
of being an agent of our
secret fraternity called Illuminati, any Illuminati
member who doesn't show
you his or her identity card is a fake and besides
avoid those claiming a
real agent on facebook there is no real agent on
facebook due to the issue
of fraudulent. The Illuminati is mainly from Egypt
and Kenya, and note that
our present head office is now in USA, it is no
longer in UK again due to
the fraudulent that are now existing there. there
are only five agent which
was recently send to Nigeria to establish the
church of Lucifer over here.
And the other thing is that we the real Illuminati
are scarce and very hard
to identify , you can only identify us with our
email address and our head
office cellphone number which is +14326142917
and our email ID which
normally include "666" on it, and please for those
who haven't yet be
scammed and are willing to join, please be
careful cos there are alot of
fraudsters and so many imposter now who
claims they are real. So now I will
want those who are interested to hit this email
illuminatisolutionworld@gmail.com for the link on
how to join our
fraternity or hit us a message on our whatsapp
with this number
+2347010774231 for quick conversation on how
to start. And there are still
alot of fraudsters on whatsapp now and please
you shouldn't add anyone on
facebook or email any how, make sure you are
terrified with it before you
make any attempt, so be careful and also please
beware of fraudsters..
Welcome to all post of illuminati cult where all your heart desire are granted and power over all things in the world, this is well know fact that the illuminati church consist of multi billionaires and have power, weath, riches and be a famous person in the world. Join the illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 300million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 100,000,000 dollars monthly as a salary... If you are interested please kindly fill the following information's to this email below (famousworldilluminati666@gmail.com or call +2349073943105}.or contact the head office +(6)31906022. BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. A Cash Reward of USD $300,000,000 USD A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $120,000 USD A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year Golf Membership package A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World A total Lifestyle change Access to Bohemian Grove Monthly payment of $70,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. Tell us little about yourself... No dirty game,no sacrifices and No evil, a cult of peace, big aim Illuminati email us (famousworldilluminati666@gmail.com or call or whatsapp us on +2349073943105 or contact the headquarter on whatsApp +1(6)31906022
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my family and i live together live in USA. It was after seven years i got to discover that my Husband was unfaithful to me. I didn't know what was going on at first but as he got deep in the affair with his new lover, i felt that our marriage was on the rocks. I notice that he no longer light up when i touch him or kiss him in his neck and his chest cos he really liked it when i did that, he also usually get naked in front of me but when he started seeing that woman he stopped it. I remember asking him if i have done anything that makes him feel irritated when i am around him then he gives silly excuses that he has been feeling stressed up and that he need space for a while. I know when you are been asked for space its usually because there is something fishy going on. I hired a private investigator to help find out what was going on. And in a week time he brought me prove that my Husband that i have lived with for seven straight year is cheating on me with his high school lover. I had picture of him walking out a of a restaurant with her and many other photo of them kissing in public like he will never be caught by someone that knows he is my Husband. I asked myself, even when we had a daughter together he could do this to me. That same night i showed him the pictures that i got from my private investigator. He didn't look at it before saying, that he is seeing someone and he know that i just found out about it. Then he said that he is in love with her. At that moment, i didn't know if to kill myself or to kill him but the button line is that if i was going to kill anyone it was going to be me because i was so much in love with him to even think of thinking to hurt him. As time goes on he asked for a divorce and got it and i got custody of our daughter and i weep everyday seeing my daughter with out being around her daddy. I just couldn't get my mind off my Husband and all i could think about was getting him back and live as every family should. For a year i tried all i could to get him back with the help of my seven year old daughter. Even at that all effect was in vain, i used the help of his friend but turned out all bad. I know most people don't believe in spell casting but believe me this was my last option and the result i most say was impressive. And i know it difficult to believe but A SPELL CASTER Dr iayaryi really made my life much better because he gave me my family back. He didn't ask me to pay for what he did for me all i was to do, was to provide the materials for the spell and i should believe that he had the power to help me. Like he said, he was going to do something that will make him reset his love and affection for me just as it has always been. My Husband told me he woke up and realized that he should have never left me that i am all he needs.To make thing clear, his life with his high school lover was great before Dr iayaryi cast the spell, they had no disagreement on anything. My Husband said it himself that why he broke up with her is something he can not explain just that he woke up on the same bed with her after a very romantic night saying he is breaking up with her for no reason at all. Only Dr iayaryi can do such a thing, contact him to solve your problem with his email driayaryi2012@hotmail.com And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2349057915709 Thanks Dr. IyaryI
Hi Everyone,
I'm from United Kingdom London, City(GB). I met this spell caster called Dr IyaryI of driayaryi2012@hotmail.com online and so many other, but i decided to go with this particular spell caster and this is about 2 weeks ago.I needed the spell caster to reunite me and my lover because she started behaving strange and a day came she text me and told me she cannot continue with the relationship anymore, that she just want to be alone.But a close friend of hers shows the guy to me that she was now dating.So i contacted this spell caster because i was totally heart broken and i smoked and get drunk till i could not even notice if am standing or lying.This spell caster told me not to worry, he gave me hope that am to have her again just like old times, and i provided all the requirements, and in just 5 days, my ex lover called me crying over the phone asking for me to forgive her for her stupid act, and she swore with her mother grave to love me and never hurt me again.This was what the spell caster earlier told me and it came after he has done the spell and that same night, my lover came back to the house to me. I have never seen spell as powerful as this but now, am convinced that Dr IyaryI is the best ever, You can contact him through him email address: driayaryi2012@hotmail.com or driayaryi2012@hotmail.com or And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2349057915709 Thanks Dr. IyaryI
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Hello everyone I am mr Frank, from kenya, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tryed to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man calle Emmanuel of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my 3,000$ and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Mr Emmanuel and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisedly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy,For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR emmanuel call WhatsApp him +2349033255083 or Email::
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Hello everyone I am Mr Agent Smith from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy,For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call (+2348163028633 or WhatsApp him +1(646)481-0376 or email:join666cult@gmail.com
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