Castles. Cloudiness. Poop. And Love.

*Please Read in a Scottish Accent* All right Pal. Apparently that is a way to say "Hello" in Scotland.

As you all know, I'm probably soaking up the sun soaking wet from the rain here in sunny ole cloudy Scotland! The plan for today is to hit up this castle:
and these beautiful cliffs:
and... some other stuff that I will surprise you with upon my return to the land of the Lederhosen.

Until I get back, though, I have another awesome person guest posting for me. Meet Nicole! I  found her blog a while ago, and loved it immediately. If you don't believe how cool she is, after you're done reading the guest post, you have to read her post about living in the ghetto. Or spelling "poop" for kindergarteners. Basically, you just have to trust me on this one. You know I wouldn't send you to a bad blog! 
While Fletcher and I continued our flirting I slowly became interested in Travis. Travis was perfect on paper, he wanted to be lawyer, was almost done at ASU, had a great job at wells fargo, and was as handsome as can be. 

One night I was talking with Taylor about Travis and what I should do. Taylor said, "Don't worry and see what happens." It was then I turn around and saw Fletcher, for some reason it was awkward that he heard and he looked a little different. That next night Jacque told Fletcher to stop flirting with me because I didn't like it. For the next two weeks me and Travis went out numerous times and we were getting along just fine, but I had the hardest time keeping a conversation with him. The next weekend coming was labor day weekend, my friends had a big group date planned and my family was going out of town. I decided to stay home to go on the group date. When the date started getting closer I hadn't heard from Travis for a few days and was getting a little nervous. I called my mom asking her what I should do, she told me to wait a few hours and see if I hear from Travis. I call my mom later still not hearing from Travis and start listening the boys I would want to take. Dallin, Kyle, Fletcher... My mom then asked a crucial question, "Nicole, who will you have the most fun with?" I take a minute and think about it, I answer, "Fletcher." My mom then says, "OK, then take Fletcher."

I hang up the phone and call Fletcher. When talking with him I realize I haven't heard or seen him in weeks (later to find out this was because of his and Jacque's conversation). I realized that I missed my friend and was glad he was my date that night.

A couple minutes later I get a phone call from my dad just to chat. In my life my dad has never called me "just to chat". I knew something was up, this is how our conversation went.

Doc - "Hey Nic, How's it going?"

Me - "Goooooooooooodd"

Doc - "So what are you doing tonight?"

Me - "Going on a date."

Doc - "With who?"

Me - "Fletcher..."

Doc - "OK, sweet."

I could tell on the other end he was grinning ear to ear. I knew it was one of the following: he was proud that he knew about from the very beginning about Fletcher, something else funny had just happened on his end of the phone, or he just liked saying the name Fletcher (which him and my brother often did).

I was right when I told my mom, he was the most fun date! However, at the end of the night I still felt mine and Fletchers relationship was platonic. After a weekend away from my family and tired of being alone I invited myself to his ward on Sunday. Little did I know it would be the day that would change my life forever.

If you are curious how we got from all of that to this...
you've got to click right here. It's our love story.
What are you waiting for?! You know you want to read the poop story. 


Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

There are cliffs like that in Scotland? To die for!

Breenah said...

That is such a sweet story! I'm glad it worked out :)

Keri said...

That castle seems to be missing something...

Shauna said...

Hope the rain passes you on by, so you can enjoy the castle!


Raych said...

Husband works in Scotland a lot. I visited him once. Didn't understand a single person. Hubs had to translate for me. The castles are bomb. Enjoy!

Maria Larsen said...

Oh god, the pictures are so beautiful! I hope you're having a great time!

And Nicole sounds great!

Alana Christine said...

I'm so jealous!! Looks beautiful there!

Anonymous said...

Ok. We are like besties on Facebook... why in the heck aren't we linked up together women!! I just added yours!


Kell said...

You had me at poop. I'm so jealous of your Scotland fun!

Unknown said...

Hope you guys are still living it up friend!!! :) Off to hear what became of Fletcher... ;)

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