March Madness [Sponsor Edition] Pt. 3 (Is Your Name Rondah Stepp?)

Oh, hey there! 

So I realized today that I never heard from one of the giveaway winners. If your name is Rondah Stepp, congratulations! You're the new winner, and you've won a new blog header from Erin!! Shoot me an email and we'll get you all set up! 

PS: I've noticed that Germans really like pantyhose. I'm thinking that I'm going to have to dedicate a blog post just to this phenomenon. 

PPS: Don't forget about my HUNGER GAMES MOVIE REVIEW LINK-UP on Monday, and my SUNDAY CONFESSIONS LINK-UP tomorrow! 

Anyway. It's a beautiful day outside, and in honor of the beautiful weather, I thought I'd introduce you to some of my beautiful sponsors and their blogs.

 blog || twitter || etsy

So. go check these ladies out - you won't be sorry that you did! 

1 comment:

Niken said...

Germans keep surprising me with their phenomenon. tell me more about it