Awkward & Awesome.

Hiiii Guys!!! 

In case you didn't know from this post, 

TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! If you don't know what day... you're disowned. Hunger Games, DUH!

Actually, while you're reading this... I'm probably in the theater. Yes, that's right, I'm scheduling a post for today so that I keep my little fingers from ruining the movie for everyone else. You're welcome. 

I almost never do awkward and awesome, but I figured, "What the hey. Anything is better than ruining HG for all those pretty people." So... if this a&a sucks... I'm sorry. But not really. 


1. This video. I did debate putting this in the "awesome" category, though. I'm just that cool. 

2. Going on my first run after 6 months of not working out. Guys, I almost died (and not because I was running through the forest alone at twilight). I had an asthma attack, my knee swelled up to the size of a baseball (I'm actually not even supposed to run, but it's not like I have very many workout options here), and I tripped (on nothing) and flailed around for dear life. This is why I would rather bike 30 miles than run one, or swim 2 miles than run one. 
3.  My German. I haven't spoken German in forever. Anyone wanna practice with me? It's bad, though. 
4. Forgetting to tell my ride to work that I didn't have to work this morning, and then running outside in a tshirt (without a bra) and sweats (pretty much forbidden in Germany) to tell him, "Oh, yeah... I forgot to call you...

5. Always having to do things in groups of five even if you have nothing else to say. I believe this is self-explanatory. 


1. I am probably watching the Hunger Games right now. Nuff said. 
2. This video. I was going to put it under "awkward", but I decided that "awesome" was the better choice. 

3. Freakin' Spring and Sunshine! Holy amazeballs I love this weather! 

4. Playing Hunger Games in the Forest with Husband. No, we did not kill each other, but we did run around with sticks. Yeah, we're freaks. And yes, you're invited to come to Germany and play with us. 

5. The 3 blog designs I've done this week. I think they're pretty freakin' rad, if I do say so myself. You can click the picsies and they'll take you to the blog so you can see the designs "in action" (and check out some pretty amazing bloggers at the same time)!
Happy Hunger Games!! 


Michelle said...

Wow I love those 3 blog designs! And I'm jealous that you get to watch the movie. Have fun!

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

So jealous you are at the Hunger Games while I'm writing this! I am going to see it on Wednesday and am totally skipping my last German class of this unit to do so.

Can't wait to hear your review!

Casey said...

I figured you were going to write about Hunger Games today!! So exciting! I hope it's as awesomely awesome as we're hoping. 17 hours until the US premiere! =]

jes @ twosmuppies said...

so i love the blog designs.
and slammin' snuggies.

happy hunger gaming!
xx jes

Niken said...

the blog designs are gorgeous! i love them

Breenah said...

I really want to bring my zebra print Snuggie to Germany to play Hunger Games with you.
And if that's not the most awesome sentence I've ever typed, I don't know what is.

Brhea said...

Great blog designs!

I am going to see The Hunger Games on Saturday! Can't waiiiit!

Keri said...

Your description of yourself running brought an image of Phoebe from "Friends" to my mind, but I replaced her with you. HA! :) If you haven't seen that episode...find's funny.

I hope you're loving the movie!

Anonymously, Mine said...

HAHAHA My computer played your videos very slow and choppy, it totally looked like you were break dancing.

You should do a post and say just how awesome the movie is so that I can be even MORE pumped for tonight!

lori said...

haha i love the videos. my roomies and i used to have pantie parties in the dorm (and our apartment when we moved out). unfortunately, we did not think to video tape our fun times. i miss it!

and i think you just inspired me to play just dance. lol.

can't wait to hear about the hunger games.

Heather said...

Ahh! I am so envious! :) We are going on Sunday to see it with a group of friends, so I have to wait! I am so impatient!

Also, I was kind of in the same boat, trying to figure out what types of work-outs could be done here..and I don't like to fight for machines at the base gym, so I started doing Pilates and I also do work-outs. Bodyrock offers high intensity interval training type work-outs. Most are only 12 minutes, but they will work all of you. They are free and on most of the videos, they show you how you can modify the moves depending on what level you are at. I don't own any of the pieces of equipment, because honestly, I have seen awesome results without them. :) Just passing that along in case you are interested!

Have a great weekend!!

Abbey said...

Aaaaah, I did a Zumba to Waka Waka and it was pretty much my favorite thing ever.

Unknown said...

Ok so I saw your status and you said it was awesome and I am so stinking jealous... OK, so the ONLY time I really wish I lived in Germany... RIGHT NOW! bahaha.

Unknown said...

Those blog designs look Awesome! Great job. You are so so talented. :)

Natasha Louise Taylor said...

hahaha that second video is so funny, wow! and question, is one of the girls called Sierra? She's one of my blog friends I think? well if not, looks like her!

Courtney B said...

Girl you are TALENTED! Please tell me you are making $$ off of these designs? Because you need to be charging for that talent!

Sara Louise said...

You know what's awkward... that there's an ad for like Thai girls on the pic of my page. I swear I'm not offering massages on my blog :P

Magical Daydream said...

Whaha that video with the Shakira Song reminds me of a similar video I once did with my sister on that song. It was so weird and awkward and it included 'experimental dance' :p

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