Is it just me, or did last week just fly by?
Anyway, it's time for my confessions. I'm a little later this week than last week. Sorry about that! Hopefully you guys still find time to grab a button and link up!

1. I have pulled 2 all-nighters this week! I'm not in school, and I only had to work 2 days out of the week, so I really have no excuse for this. I guess I'm just a total night owl!
2. I suck at UNO. We had a last night with some people in our ward, and we played UNO. Let's just say that I lost every round.
3. I'm in the process of applying to a Master's degree program at USC. It's all online (easier for Husband to go to school wherever he wants that way), so I'm a little nervous about that, but if all goes well, I'll be starting in June! Cross your fingers/toes/other appendages that I finish the ridiculously long application and meet all the requirements!
4. I have not been a very good blogger the past few days. Sorry, guys! I've actually been kind of busy! As hard as that may be to believe, it's true. I promise I will try to be a better commenter. I've responded to all emails, but I'm not going to lie, they've been really short, generic responses. I will get better! I swear it on my ugly grandma curtains.
5. I'm forgetting how to speak German. I haven't read any German novels since The Hunger Games, and I've only worked 3 days in the past 2 weeks because of the flu and kids taking tests, so my German skill level has gone way down. [I'm not sure why I'm putting this picture here... all I know is that when I googled "speaking German," this came up. Gotta love all the stereotypes portrayed here.
Loved this! Whenever I have an opportunity to speak Spanish I feel that I've forgotten so much it's embarrassing. If it makes you feel any better I've gone to bed no earlier than 5AM this whole week and I haven't gotten up earlier than 1PM.. haha (:
Right there with you about the German. Right there with you.
i'll cross my fingers, my toes, my arms and all for your college application. wish you all the best with that :)
i'm pretty good at UNO blocks. but somehow, my 10 years old brother beats me in that game
I cheat at Uno and win every time! hahahahaha
And I'm sure you'll have no problem getting in to grad school! Then we'll both me working on our Master's degrees!
LOVE this... found you on Daryls blog! :) New follower! :) :) ... Will be posting some confessions later today! So fun! HAHA and UNO? my 3 year old beats me every time! HAHAHA must have to have a uno gene or something!
haha! That picture IS quite awesome. :) Good luck getting into USC!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Hahaha "I swear it on my ugly grandma curtains". NICE! :)
Danke Schon! hehehe, that's only two words I remember. Are my spelling correct?! Hope so. So are you still using your grandma's curtains huh? LOL!
That masters program sounds great. Good luck!
When I was a kid, we used to play Uno at every family gathering. My uncle had an older friend that he used to bring to our family gatherings because he didn't have any family, I remember during these Uno games, if you hit him with a Draw Two or a Draw Four he would exclaim, "I'm surrounded by assassins!"
The only thing on my mind right now is GUACAMOLE. I want some NOW!:)
Praying for you that all works out with USC!
And girrrrl.. I think it's amazing that you know how to speak ANY German!
i am a night owl, too! if i stay up much past 11:00, then i am wide awake no matter how tired my body is!
I don't know how I found your blog, but I love it sooo much that I'm a new follower!!!
I'll keep allllll my various appendages crossed for you :D GOOD LUCK!
Also, I suck at Uno as well...we should probably start a club for people who suck at Uno...
i love uno!!! one of my favorite games. so when you say you pulled an all-nighter you literally stayed up all night? are you crazy!? haha.
This is such a fun post! Good for you going for your masters- that is amazing and I love that you are still pursuing your goals while allowing the hubby to keep going for his.
1) That picture is awesome. Bravo.
2) Go to the actual USC so you can move here and we can be real life friends.
3)I hate UNO. It makes me want to spit fire. One too many awful experiences.
Along Abbey Road
I love UNO!!! You would hate to play with me, though. I always win. :o) But you could totally beat me at scrabble, especially if we were playing in German. :o)
the USC thing sounds legit - fingers crossed for you!
and if you're forgetting your german that quickly, why am I even learning because I know mine will be out the door the second I step foot back in the states. tear.
I don't even know when the last time I pulled an all nighter was, because yeah, I'm that old (early bird special anyone?)
good luck on your USC application... keeping my fingers crossed for you :)
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