Sincerely, Kylee is a crazy mess of a blog that has cocktails, tutorials, funny stories and videos, and the occasional inspiration. It may be unorganized, but I try to do my best and give you nothing but my utmost sincerest feelings and thoughts.
If you could go anywhere in the world and money didn't matter, where would you go?
If I could travel anywhere in the world... it would be New York to Belgium to Italy to Ireland then to L.A. and then hit the Grand Canyon on the way back home. :) I would love to travel all over the place. There just never seems to be enough money to do that.
Hey everyone! My name is Samantha. My blog, Everything in Between, is my little virtual world where I make sure to post things that I always want to remember & cherish. My posts range from being young and in love, pre-planning a wedding, my life in general, and Everything in Between. The topics are limitless!
I'm 19-years-old and live with my wonderful fiance (his name is Sam, also!) We have a spacious townhouse here in beautiful Portland, Oregon. I love this city and never want to leave, but who knows where we'll be or what we'll be doing in 5 or 10 years! This place we call home is full of yellow paint, music/movies that are always playing, and the consistent meowing of a lovable orange cat. My blog is still new but I hope you stick around to see where it takes us...
If you could go anywhere in the world and money didn't matter, where would you go?
If I could travel anywhere in the world, it would be New Zealand. It's such a beautiful place and there's so much to do! I feel like I would be forever peaceful and stress free if I lived there.
I have a story behind who I am just like all of you. I will spare you the details. :) I started this blog because fashion is one of my passions. Putting together outfits and creating ideas is so much fun. Most blogs I run into have very expensive taste. Nothing is wrong with that, but I'm a bargain shopping kinda girl. I have never paid much for the things I have bought. I think this sets me apart from others. I don't spend loads of money to say I bought something with a label on it. I find vintage and thrifted items and make them my own. I am the biggest clearance shopper you will ever meet. I also add a little bit of my life and a little bit of DIY stuff in on my blog too. I like to mix it up a little. Stop on by!!
You can also follow me on twitter (jalynnbriggs) or on Pinterest (jalynnbriggs) or on Instagram (jalynnbriggs).
If you could go anywhere in the world and money didn't matter, where would you go?
If I could travel anywhere around the world and money didn't matter of course I would travel everywhere. If money was no object I would love to spend one week (or more) in every single country in the world. What a great experience that would be!!! I will keep on dreaming :)
Hi! My name is Mary and I'm the face behind Lily White. Words that describe me are: Christian, girlfriend, graduate student, aspiring photographer, overactive crafter, coffee addict, and nature lover. Words that describe my blog are: God centered, faith sharing, online photo album, story time rug, coffee shop conversation, life documentation and friend making.
If you could go anywhere in the world and money didn't matter, where would you go?
Germany, Norway, Switzerland and Denmark
Hello! I'm Ameryn, an interior designer, wife to my wonderful husband and now blogger at oh so nifty! I started oh so nifty to have a space where I could share my ideas about design, crafting, b, health, and whatever else that catches my interest. I share my day to day life, pictures of my fur-babies, inspiration, and projects... Maybe I'll inspire someone, maybe I'll get great feedback on a project, or maybe you'll just come to laugh at pictures of my pets?! Either way I hope you enjoy.If you could go anywhere in the world and money didn't matter, where would you go?
If I could could go anywhere in the world and money didn't matter...
I would probably take a 6 month trip starting in Spain and work my way down to New Zealand. Stopping from country to country staying at least one week at a time.
If I could could go anywhere in the world and money didn't matter...
I would probably take a 6 month trip starting in Spain and work my way down to New Zealand. Stopping from country to country staying at least one week at a time.

ha, i think everyone has those moments when they run into people they don't want to see or talk to. and we do the most awkward things to escape them. love! ha
xo TJ
what great sponsors!! and i definitely always hide from people i see but dont want to talk to or really have the time to have a conversation
I love it, Alyx! Thanks for the feature!! :)
Lol, I love that most of us hide from people that we don't want to talk too!! Cute blog, I'm a follower from "for love of a cupcake." I'll check out your sponsors too!
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