How the crap is it already the 19 of August? Like, when did that happen???
Anyway. Think up some confessions, grab a button, and link on up! Can't wait to read all that juiciness.

2. I'm trying to keep bloggy a secret from my coworkers. Just in case I ever have to tell a funny story about work, ya know?
3. Husband ruined my secret. Friday night we were at a cookout for my department, and the group we were with started talking about blogs. Husband outed me. Rude.
4. I've been an awful housekeeper this week. And last week. Basically since I started working. The house is a mess, the office is a disaster area, and the dishes need to be done. Again, HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?!?!!?
5. I hate clothes. Seriously. If it was socially acceptable to just walk around in your underwear all the time, I would. This confession will not have a photo because this blog is G-rated. And no one wants to see that.
So did you end up telling your co-workers the name of your blog??? Have you been outed completely?
Dude Andrew and I pretty much only wear our G's once we're in for the day, and I'll be honest...most days I don't get dressed cuz I'm home all day ;) 'Tis bliss!
And you'll find your niche ;) Eventually you'll find a routine that works for you hahahah says the lady who's home all day and doesn't cook and only sometimes cleans hahaha
I agree.... blogging plus working full time is tough! And there are 3 of us and we still don't keep up!
i have no idea if i would out me about blogging in the working world, i mean all my classmates know about my blog, but non of my teachers, i think, i hope!
does your co workers know the name of your blog?
that's why i'm a freelance. working 8-6 everyday for all your life is boring and tiring.
i keep my blog as a secret too from my co-worker. for the same reason that you did before Mike outed you.
Shame on Mike! Did they find out the name? Or just that you blog?
I'm tellin ya, the real world is awful. I don't know how people do things like grocery shop, or Dr. appointments, or I don't know, anything else that might need to get done where they are only open during regular business hours! I want to go back to college :(
I feel like I have no time right now too, gahhh, I don't know how people manage. aww man, well I hope you still blog the funny stories at work anyways ;) haha
I hate clothes too, blah! :)
I keep my blog a secret from co-workers and most friends too, idk why either....
Oh no, do all your co-workers read your blog now? That would be really stupid!
hahaha oh no, husband, why so rude?
my co-workers know about my blog, but oh well haha i usually trash talk about situations at work. boo.
it's work after all and I guess that's why the weekends is always so important -- for sleeping that is.
have a great day.
Seriously, I'm impressed how well you've kept up with the blog. I don't know what kinda blow mine will take whenever I decide to work fulltime. This may be sooner than later with my return to Germany, but we shall see.
Shame on hubby for revealing your secret! haha
I confess that I really miss wearing scrubs to work, because it made the whole 'clothes' thing MUCH MUCH easier. Plus they were almost as comfy as pajamas.
I'm completely opposite when I'm working my house is spotless, but currently it's a sty. I'm lucky if I wear something other than a clean set of pajamas!
Maybe your co-workers won't be able to find you! Such a shame to not be able to share office stories - you stay there long enough and you will have plenty!!
I hate clothes, too. My HS reunion is in September and I have been trying to find something to wear for over a month now. I am horrible at this. I am THIS close to showing up in jeans and a t-shirt because I have no idea what to wear!
I hate clothing too. if I could, I would join a nudist colony. BIT when I tell people that, they give me a look. Oh well...
Oh and being full-time sucks sometimes. I wish I could be paid to do nothing.
Xo Lourdes
My blog is a secret, too! 2 years and going kind of strong. Sometimes I slip.
The cats out of the bag now! I hate clothes too! They're too hot for Florida!
Sometimes work stories are too funny so you just gotta keep the blog name on the DL. Like the ex-coworker I had who liked to eat expired food and kept it in the office fridge
Yes my house is a disaster zone. I managed to get some 'chores' done this week - but I don't think I had done any real cleaning since before summer started. How embarrassing. It's feeling a lot better now. But I have no idea people manage this working full-time and then throw kids into the mix.
Our house is always a mess. I just try to tackle the areas that make me insane. Everything else just has to be what it is. It's far more important to snuggle with the cat.
My co-workers read my blog, and they know that if they do something ridiculous, I'm going to share it anyway. The joys of being friends with a blogger, you know? Just have them sign a release.
I can't believe he outed you, so uncool!
Alyx- you make me laugh every time. It's funny how we keep the blog world with our other world's separate. I was on a field trip for my kiddo and one of the other mom's was bagging on her friend who was a blogger and how not in reality this friend was, and ya da ya da and I just sat there. Didn't say a word. Crickets! I feel so guilty now for not defending a fellow blogger. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is like this.
Haha! Hubs are good at that... telling on us! Sheesh. ;) You're right, it's hard! I do a lot of my cleaning on the weekend... It just sort of builds up over the week then I tackle a bunch of things on Saturday.
Noooooo does that mean no office adventures on the blog anymore?!?!
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