This weekend has been way too short. Seriously. I feel like I've gotten a lot done, but I would've liked to have had a little more time for relaxation.
Anyway. Grab yourself a button, think of some confessions, and link on up!!

2. I ate like crap all weekend long, then felt bad about it, so decided to finally sign up for my Y membership. I've been putting it off for so long, thinking that we don't have the money right now, but finally just bit the bullet today. Working out used to be something that I did 5-6 times a week, and I loved it. It wasn't because I had to, it was because I wanted to, and the truth is that I really miss it. So... starting tomorrow (Monday) at 5:30 a.m., it's on.
3. I'm so afraid that working a 9-5 is going to make me stir crazy. Side note: why is it a 9-5? Everyone I know has to go in from 8-5. So wrong. Anyway, back to my confession. I sit at a desk all day, so I'm not sure how well I'll do. I get restless.
4. Because of number three, I use a small water bottle at work. I work on the 3rd floor. The cafeteria with the ice and filtered water is on the first floor. Every hour on the hour, I go downstairs to fill up my 12 oz. water bottle.
5. Because of number four, I pee a lot. Like, it is pathetic. I work with a pregnant lady, and I think I use the bathroom more often than her. Fail.
21 comments: gotta stay hydrated! :o)
I'm pretty sure Cory works an 8 to 6/7/8/9. Hearing 9 to 5 just pisses him off. ;o)
man, i think i eat crap my whole life! i should really change that.
everyone starts at 8 in my job. sometimes we even start at 7.30 on office day. don't know where 9 came from
This is hilarious and I am so not a 9-5 person, can't imagine. I am going back to school in the spring for theatre. Let's see how everything works out.
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I work 8 to 5 but take an hour lunch. Do you only take half an hour? I guess it depends what sector you work in?
I really need to drink more water at work but hate having to go to the bathroom all the time. We have a gym downstairs which I use sporadically :)
Every weekend is too short!
I always feel bad when I eat lots of crap. So I combine the crap with vegetables and that makes me feel better.
You can count those trips to the cafeteria and bathroom as a work out though! Sitting will kill us, afterall
I've been the same way about working out lately. I always love it but it's hard for me to find the time in my schedule. I'm determined to wake up early tomorrow morning and get to the gym too! Hopefully we can both get back on track.
I hope everything goes great with your new job! What are you doing there, exactly?
You should get an exercise ball for your desk! That way, you're at least moving a little bit all of the time, in addition to your hourly trips to the first floor, and your twice hourly trips to the bathroom =).
Hope you didn't spraypaint your grass! lol
I need to get my butt bak to the gym in a hurry. haha. Hopefully I can start again after I graduate.
My job is's a shorter week, so I'll take it! haha. Idk that you'll go stir crazy so much as fall asleep...Getting up every hour will definitely help.
haha i love it. smart to use the small waterbottle to give yourself an excuse to get up for a bit.
i get stir crazy like that, too!
Wow.. I just learn you currently live in Germany?! Must be amazing!!!!
I hear ya about getting restless! It's hard to sit in a cube all day. I try to take a lot of short trips to do things like get water, and instead of emailing every time I need to talk to someone i'll try to walk over to their desk instead. Helps me not fall asleep!
are there really balloons at your cubicles? it's funny how cubicles can look like organized drawers that you throw stuff inside and never sort out. I was glad when we moved office and no cubicles but I have a brick wall for a view so I guess there's always a drawback.
hope you have a great work day on monday.
I love #5! Hahaha! I wish I could work out for fun, but it's just not fun for me!
At least between all of the bottle refills, and all of the peeing, you'll get up from your desk a lot!
And yeah - why is it called 9-5???
In France they work 9-12 and then 2-6 because they NEED that two hour lunch. I would rather work 9-4 and be done with it.
Haha I felt the SAME way when I start my 9-5, I just wasn't sure that I could sit at a desk all day! I realized now that I probably won't do this forever but I can survive for now reading blogs ;) Also, tell me about the whole water thing, sometimes I wish I could just get one of those water delivery services at my desk because I refill so often!
How did the workout go this morning?
Haha that's funny. The water thing at least. I feel for ya.
They probably make you do 9-5 so they don't have to give you a lunch break. When I work "8-5" I have to take an hour unpaid lunch so that I only work 40 hours a week. Luckily my office is flexible though, so if I want to I can work through lunch and leave at 4 some days. Or save it up to leave early on a Friday.
I sit at a cubicle all day too... I HAVE to leave at lunch to be able to get up and walk around! I also just pinned some 'exercises' to do at your desk because I'm going nutso just sitting there all day! haha
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