An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away... or Something Like That.

Hi guys! 

I think you all should know that I frickin' love apples. Especially when they're dipped in JIF. It's been a while since I've talked about my JIF PB obsession, hasn't it? Well, consider it talked about.

Anyway... I have a special surprise for you guys today! I don't know if you know this, but I also love apples in the form of clothing. Not like an apple costume, but as in Shabby Apple - the clothing company. If you've heard of them, I'm sure you won't need to ask me why I love their clothes so much, but if you want to know... just look at this picture!

So what's the surprise, you ask? Okay, okay, I'll tell you. One of you lucky people is going to win a $50 gift card to Shabby Apple! Almost all of those things I posted up there is less than $50, and there's a lot more in the store, or you can choose to put the $50 toward something a little more expensive. 

Until then, you can use the code everydayisanewadventure10off to get 10% off any order! Click the picture below to get shopping, and enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter form below! Note: This giveaway is only open to those who have a US shipping address. 

Good luck, you crazies!
Dresses from Shabby Apple
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

I love the Kai necklace!

Brielle said...

LOVE the i'm late, i'm late! dress (:

Sara Louise said...

I'm loving the gold fill champagne swarovski earrings! They are so pretty :)

English Anderson said...

Do I have to pick just one thing? I want it all!!!

Unknown said...

I love the blue eyes dress! :)

Carina Schoen said...

pina colada dress for sure.

Dearest Lou said...

Absolutely loving the desert modern jersey dress! I would def. rock my bump in it (;


Geraldyne said...

I love the V.P. dress!

I'm also giving away a $30 credit to Shabby Apple on my blog! :)
Win $30.00 Shabby Apple gift Card

Unknown said...

I love the skirts! I just need to lose the baby weight so I can fit into them hahahaha ;)

Jessica said...

I love the 'I'm Late, I'm Late' dress - super cute!

erin e flynn said...

I want the Tea Time dress! =]

Katrin said...

I'm in love with the Alice dress!

EMily said...

Love the San Gabriel dress! It's by far my favorite!

Raych said...

I love the Racepoint Skirt. Also I keep reading Rafflecopter as Velociraptor for some reason. Apparently, giveaways make me think of tiny dinosaurs. go figure.

Alana Christine said...

I hate that all of these giveaways require that you like them on facebook/twitter/pinterest. I have none of those. lol. I don't think my one "I follow you" entry will go very far...

kelly elizabeth said...

theres this mint green maxi dress that I'm i love with. It would be so cute for summer!

kelly elizabeth

Bethany Grow said...

I have been wanting that green Alice dress for the longest time! I would love this!!

Kaity said...

I love the tuileries dress! and pretty much everything else they sell. no joke.

LAEP 4100 said...

My current favorite is the Lake Titicaca Dress - such pretty details!

Unknown said...

The alice dress!

Amanda G. said...

Currently loving the Desert Modern dress! :)


Amy Harris said...

there are like ten dresses on my wish list so i would definitely use the $50 towards one of those!

Breenah said...

ANYTHING from their Lighthouse collection!

Madeline Grace said...

sd;gklnjaed I loveeee Shabby Apple! I can't wait to see who wins! <3

Kylie said...

I really like the streetcar skirt :) It looks like it'd be long enough haha :P

Anonymous said...

I love pretty much all of them but especially the Ming dress!


Courtney B said...

The sweet spot swim suit is adorable!

Anna said...

I am in desperate need of a new swim suit! I love that lagoon one you have in the picture!

Jelli said...

Loving the Ahoy Dress.

Mary Beth said...

I love the I'm Late! I'm Late! dress.

Ashley said...

I LOVE the race point skirt!!

Jessica said...

I love all shabby apples stuff, but I would get
Racquet Club
or Summer Wind

Sarah said...

I love the desert modern dress!

Unknown said...

I pretty much love all their stuff and I could totally spend hours drooling over their adorable clothes!! I would love to win the gift card!

Natasha Louise Taylor said...

Sometimes I'm like gahhhhhhhhh, I can't enter I don't live in the US, but you know what I realised, I may not be there yet, but I have an address. That made me smile, soI entered, even if i can only once because I don't have fb, thought I'd let ya know! haha the clothes are too cute!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I totally want the silver sand dollar necklace, it's so sweet.

Bree said...

Desert modern dress :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE Shabby Apple! I've never actually bought anything from them, but I would love to own any of their dresses, especially the ones from the 65 line! So pretty!!!

Taylor Grace said...

I was ALMOST your 600th follower!

Tara said...

I love this dress

I must have it! :)

Maria Larsen said...

But really, how in the world can I choose one product. I'm obsessed with all of their dresses!

Kym said...

I'm loving the bandersnatch skirt....all alice in wonderland and whatnot.

thank you for hosting this super cool giveaway, alyx! and for reminding us, once again, how much you love peanut butter.


RadiantKristen said...

why do you and I have to be such twins? There really is no better food combination than pb and apples!

Lynne said...

It's the Ahoy dress for me!

Unknown said...

I want the Race Point Skirt! So pretty!

Nadya said...

My favorite dress is One for my baby!

KB @ kiss, laugh, and dream said...

OMG I love the malt shop dress!

KB @

Anonymous said...

Their skirts! I want them ALL!!

Kyndra said...

Warm Sands swimsuit!

Unknown said...

I love the butterfly framed stuff!!

Lincoln Madison said...

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