Dear Baby.

Dear Baby, 

I've needed to write this letter for a while now, but I guess I just didn't know what to say. I mean, it's pretty obvious that I love you - I've been sharing my ice cream with you for over nine months now, and we all know that that's true love (I don't even like to share with your dad, and I love him a lot). Where do I begin?

I thought you'd be here by now. Really, I did. Call me naiive, but I thought you'd be my sweet little Mother's Day present. I woke up that morning knowing that it wasn't your time, though. In fact, every morning I wake up and I know that it's not time to meet you yet. Every morning I'm a little heartbroken because I'm so ready to see your beautiful little face and hold you in my arms, but I try to remember that you're giving your dad and I just a few more days as a family of two.

Baby, I love you so, so much. Putting the love I feel for you into words is impossible. Really, it is. So much so, in fact, that I'm not even going to try.

Baby, I'm scared. I'm scared that I'm not ready. I mean, I'm ready to meet you, but am I ready to be your mother? Am I good enough? Will I teach you all the right things? I'm horrible at baking, so I can't teach you that. I'm not the best at sewing, so I probably can't teach you that, either. I'm not the most patient person, so patience is not a virtue you'll be inheriting from me (you'll get that from Dad). What will I teach you, then? I hope I'll teach you to love yourself. I hope I'll teach you to see how beautiful you are, both inside and out. I hope I'll teach you kindness, love, and empathy. I hope I'll teach you to respect yourself and those around you. I hope I'll teach you how to be a good person with good values.

Baby, I feel like I know you so much already. I know that you, like your daddy, love music. I know that you, like your mommy, are a stubborn little thing (why else would you still be in my belly 9 days past your due date?). I know that you're going to be a night owl (hello, future sleepless nights). I know that you love to listen to me read you stories and I know which lullabies are your favorite. I know that you are going to be ridiculously hard to shop for (you inherited some freakishly long legs). I know that we have a bond that is unlike any other.

Baby, please hurry up and come. We really can't wait to meet you.




Miki {Becoming What I Always Was} said...

Such a sweet letter. Made me tear up! You'll teach your baby 100s of things that you don't plan to. Every single one of them she'll be grateful for!

Anonymous said...

this is adorable!! hurry baby! blogland wants to meet you too!!

Unknown said...

Oh be still my heart!! Come on baby girl!! :)

melanie @nowaqueen said...

so sweet! Fingers crossed baby comes soon! like tomorrow!

Rosie said...

You will be the best mummy you can be and no one can ask or expect more than that. You are already giving the greatest thing a child needs: love. I see so many parents who struggle to give that. xxx

Sue // As It Seems said...

Beautiful. I loved writing to Everly before she was born (and even a little bit now).

Becky said...

Aw...such a sweet letter.

Breenah said...

Love reading letters like these :) I hope she comes soon!
I also hope I can get the box I have for you in the mail before she's too old for everything in it!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I really feel like no one is every truly ready. You just take it day by day.

You're going to be a great mother Alyx.

RadiantKristen said...

I know how heartfelt this is, and I laughed, as well as tearing up.

You are as ready as you can be.

You will be an outstanding mother.

Little girl is incredibly lucky to have you and Mike as her parents.

Greta said...

You are going to be a wonderful mama Alyx!!!! She is lucky to be born into such a love. Prayers to you and baby girl for a healthy delivery!

I'll Love You Forever said...

Such a sweet adorable letter! You look so cute! Can't wait to read about her birth story once she arrives.

Ps you won the Earrings giveaway on my blog :) I am going to email you!

Katrin said...

So sweet, you are wonderful, Alyx!

Melissa Blake said...

what a beautiful letter...your little one is one lucky baby!!

Deidre said...

You're going to be great. And you'll teach her how to be a kind and loving person, just like you - and that's pretty important!

rooth said...

Dear Baby, we can't wait to meet you either and you are the luckiest little one because you have the best parents ever. I know you're taking your time baking because you're growing bigger and stronger - just take it easy on mommy when you decide to get here :)

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I freaking love you! And I'm saving these posts of yours for when I'm expecting:)

Sarah said...

I love this letter! I don't think anyone is ever really ready but what you hope to teach your little girl is admirable and I know she is so loved! Hoping you get to meet her soon!

Katie said...

such a sweet letter!! i have those same fears too and i'm sure every mom does. but you will be the perfect mom for your little girl!

Kelly said...

Beautiful letter :)

T&S said...

So sweet! I am sure mini-Alyx knows how much you love her!

XO Lourdes

Sarah Shumate said...

I loved reading this knowing you've already had her! You brought her into the world strong and healthy - score number one for Alyx! You're already a great momma! :o) And she's so beautiful, just like YOU!

Don't worry about all that little stuff - like you said in the letter, you'll be able to teach her the important stuff, the kind that actually matters. The cooking and the sewing, believe it or not, is something she will end up being able to teach herself, whether or not you ever learn how to do it! :o)

lori said...

sooo sweet!!! isnt it funny all the things we can learn from them just being in our bellies? so amazing!

Kassi said...

AW!!! She's going to learn so many amazing things from you! And for real, I've seen a DRESS you've sewn... You can sew better than you think miss!!!

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