Part Two.

Part One

Once my water was broken, the contractions spread out to about 3 minutes apart and had intensified quite a bit. I labored on the birth ball a bit, but because of the back labor, it was not incredibly comfortable. I ended up pacing back and forth through our room, so we decided to wander through the halls. After roaming the halls for about 15 minutes, we headed back to the room so that the nurse could take my vitals and check the baby's heart rate.

Once it was determined that everything was okay, I asked if I could labor in the jacuzzi. At this point, my pain was probably about an 8 on a scale of one to ten, and it was getting harder and harder for me to breathe through them in silence. I started to moan a bit as I was breathing out, and it was surprisingly helpful. After quite a while, I had a contraction that was so painful it threw me out of my "zone" and I just looked at Mike and started to cry. I couldn't take it anymore! Luckily, my nurse had just walked into the room to check baby's heart rate, and she knew exactly what to say. She told me that I was strong and capable, to take the contractions one at a time, and to remember that every contraction I went through was one less that I would have to face in the future. I labored in the tub until the water cooled off, then it was time to be checked again.

At 11: 35 am, it was determined that I was still at a 2 and about 80% effaced. After hearing that, I wanted to break down and cry! The only plus here was that baby had finally decided to rotate a bit and was no longer completely posterior. Mike and I decided that it was time to go for another walk in the hopes that it would help get things moving. We walked the halls one more time, and standing during contractions was one of the most painful things ever. I had to get back in the tub. We went back to our room and I had Mike fill the birthing tub with warm water. I labored in the tub until about 12:55 pm when it was time for the nurse to do another cervical check (we needed to know if we were going to have to start pitocin).

When the nurse reached in to do the check, I knew that something wasn't right- the baby was posterior again (of course, I could have told you that based on the back labor). It hurt so badly, and when she told me that I was still only 2 cm dilated after 12 hours of hard labor, I lost it. At 1:05 pm, I had a major breakdown. My body was shaking from exhaustion, and I was only getting 2 minutes to rest between each contraction. My breathing was going out of whack and my relaxation techniques were going out the window. Normally people tell you that when you've reached the point where you want to give up, you're the closest to the end. I knew that wasn't true for me - my body just would not do what it needed to to get this baby out, and I was upset. I cried to Mike that I couldn't do it anymore - if they were going to give me pitocin, I was going to get an epidural, because my body had reached its limit.


Sara Louise said...

Baths always make me feel better. Not that I've gone through child birth, but when I had a kidney stone, I basically lived in the jacuzzi tub. When I have a baby, I'll be requesting one.
I'm beyond happy for you that you had a great nurse and she was there at the right time to get you back in your zone :)
P.S. Elsie is an angel! Sending hugs and kisses from The LPV ooxx

Sarah Shumate said...

I can just feel your frustration while reading this! To work so hard and still not progress would be difficult for anyone, even someone who'd given birth 5 times! You are a strong girl, Alyx! You went 12 hours without breaking down? That is incredible!

Greta said...

This reminds me so much of my first labor --being stuck at 2 had to be so frustrating!!!! This is great - can't wait for more! :D

Anonymous said...

I feel you. I feel you.

Katrin said...

This sounds pretty intense! I am so glad that everything turned out fine and that you are all happy and healthy!

RadiantKristen said...

I don't think any woman in the world would fault you for hitting this breaking point. However, you did a great job of persevering and working hard to bring little Elsie into the world!

lori said...

aww alyx, you are such a trooper!! cant wait to read the rest :)

Kym said...

Oh my poor sweet Alyx. It brings tears to my eyes to read about the pain and frustration you went through. I can't wait to read the next two parts so we can get to the good stuff- Elsie!! <3

p.s. - you're a MOM!!!!

Deidre said...

Seriously what is up with the body? Sometimes it just does NOT do what it should do (and I'm not just talking about yours, mine frequently is on the fritz), I'm so glad I know this ends with a beautiful healthy little girl!

rooth said...

I know the end is a beautiful baby girl but my heart is going out to yours during your labor process - you were such a trooper!

No(dot dot)el said...

Alyx Eeeeekkkk First CONGRATULATIONS!! Elsie is just so beautiful and amazing and HERE!!
Second- I'm so sorry you had such a tough go of things in the labor department , but you did it!! YOU ARE A ROCK STAR!! And clearly Elsie wanted to come in the way that she wanted. She's not a cookie cutter kinda gal just like her momma ;) SO happy for you and your beautiful family.

Kassi said...

12 hours!?! Sounds like you were a trooper for sure!!! Also, glad to know that the bath can help... Even if just a little.

Laura Railing said...

I am loving reading this! I am so glad you documented it! I labored through all of transition and birth in the tub and LOVED it. It helps relieve the pain so much. (There is a reason they call it he midwife's epidural!!)I seriously cannot imagine going through what I felt would be transition only to find out I was still at a TWO. Ugh! You are SO not a failure for being in tune with what your body was telling you. Kudos girly ;-) I would be ready to be done too!! I only went through 4 hard of really hard labor and was SO ready for an epidural! (it was our second born though! Our first took 21 hours!)