I don't know if you've forgotten how this thing works (heck, it's been forever - I may have forgotten!), but here's the deal: take a button, write a post about how you still sleep with a nightlight, and link it up for the world to read.

2. I am sort of freaking out about school starting. How am I supposed to do this with a baby?! I'm not only going to be a full-time grad student - I'll be teaching, too. I don't even know my teaching schedule yet and that's sort of really stressing me out.
3. I sometimes wish I could have a do-over of my wedding reception. I was married before pinterest. Because of this, I didn't really have any inspiration. If I could redo it, it would be freaking awesome. Oh, and it would be nice to actually BE at my reception.
4. I am sick of my hair. I don't remember the last time I actually did something with it - it always just gets thrown into a messy bun.
5. I'm cheating. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, that is. I've been drinking V8 Fusion to get my servings of fruits and veggies. Sorry I'm not sorry.
I also wish I could redo my wedding, if only because my style has changed in the past four years and I kind of wish we would have just eloped, haha!
I'm also tired of my hair and debating cutting it all off and going back to red. We'll see...
Wait - why weren't you at your wedding reception??
And I've never had the V8 fusions. I guess they're good if you drink them a lot?
Good luck with your photo shoot! Naturally, you'll be amazing.
I am in the same boat as you with my hair. it has grown so much and I havent had it cut since December. I am in a rut with the colour and I feel like just walking in to a salon and letting them do whatever they want with it instead of having to figure it out myself.
Awesome to hear about your photography business! Good luck with that, I am sure it will be awesome!
#1 -- I don't know how you can have time between school and your kid but I wish you lots of luck with your photography business.
I'm with you on #4, especially now that it is summer.
#5 -- me too. don't they make those with real juice? that's not really cheating, I don't think
hope you have a sweet day.
YES!!! I cheat with the V8 Fusions too!!!
Why weren't you at your wedding reception?
When will they tell you your schedule for school? I hope it's soon!
I'm glad we didn't have pinterest! I would have spent too much money and lately I've been seeing weddings that have too much going on because they're trying to combine 25 pinterest ideas.
I can't wait to have a pinterest wedding...except first I have to find someone to get married to! Lol!
Good luck at the shoot! You'll do great! Make sure you post some pictures from it here!
I am totally hating my hair right now, too. It was already fine and thin, but now I feel like it's getting even thinner. I am THIS close to shaving it and wearing a cute wig.
AWESOME!!!! Have fun at your shoot! I wish I was a good enough photographer to start a business -- would be so fun!
you never miss to make me laugh.
i'm sure you'll figure out how to juggle it all - school, teaching, baby, life, etc.
i'm kind of sick with my hair too.
YESSS to wanting to re-do my wedding thanks to pinterest. i told the hubs we just need to renew our vows for our 5 year anniversary ;)
don't freak out about starting school... you will figure out your groove with a schedule and be amazing!
Okay. Why don't we live by each other?! I know you're DYING to move to Utah (ha ha) Seriously, we were meant to be besties! #3... I ALWAYS say that! I wish I could get married again, to Eric, just so that I can have a pinterest reception ;)
Smoothies are the only way I get my fruits/veggies in. But I've also started eating eggs each morning for breakfast (my body needs so much more because of nursing... you know what I mean) and I scramble them, add shredded spinach, cheese and seasonings. If I get real fancy I'll throw in avacado, tomato, and black beans. But you can't even taste the spinach! Or if I do a protein shake I use chocolate powder, half a banana, little bit of peanut butter, and spinach. It makes me feel better knowing I snuck in a little bit of fruits/veggies at breakfast. Less I have to worry about throughout the day :)
#1 How did you not tell me about this photography business???
#2 I think it's crazy that neither of us were "really at" our wedding receptions. How does this happen???
#3 I will participate next week. Double pinky promise.
I'm horrible about getting my five a day, I need some of those V8 fusions STAT!
Best of luck with your photography business, I know you'll rock it! :)
Oh I missed it this week! Im going to have to catch the next one...because this was one of my favorite link ups!
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