Favorite Things Friday

Happy FRIDAY!!! 

FINALLY. This weekend we are headed up to Sioux City to hang out with the in-laws, and I'm pretty stoked about it- it should be a good time. Plus, my Huskers will be playing Wisconsin, which should be a pretty good game. Hopefully.

Anyway. Time for my favorite things this week!

1. Smoothies. Specifically ones from Juice Stop. I'm not sure if Juice Stop is a Nebraska thing, but if it is, I will die if we ever move. They have like, 50 different types of smoothies to choose from, each one more delicious than the last.
2. Having a clean car. I used to work at a car wash, and my car was always spotless, inside and out. As it should have been - I did get free car washes and interior cleans (if I cleaned it myself, so really I just had access to all of our stuff). Now that I don't work there, though, our car got a little... messy. Today we had it washed and vacuumed it out, and it feels amazing. I love having a spotless car.

3. Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers. People. If you ever find yourself in Lincoln, NE, come to Raising Cane's. It's the most amazing fried chicken ever. Of all time. It's a little pricey, but oh, so good.  I really wanted some today, so we caved and went, and it was oh, so satisfying. Hit the spot.
4. Book club! I'm getting so pumped! So far we've had about 35 votes, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower is in first place. If that's not the book you want, don't fret! You can still vote.
Also... I want you all to know that you don't have to sign up anywhere to participate - no one should feel obligated - this is just for fun. I have, however, decided to start an email sign up for those of you who are interested in the occasional email with reminders as far as dates for link ups and google video chats. I will not spam your email, and I will never send out anything that doesn't deal specifically with book club. You don't have to sign up to participate - this is just if you want to.
5. Awesome points! For those of you that don't know, I have this little thing called awesome points. I give them out for random, mostly ridiculous things. Once you have 75,000, you cash them in for an awesome package! It's a surprise, and I won't even know what it is till I start putting it together. It's just a fun way for me to reward my readers for being, well.. awesome! It's better than a giveaway, because you don't have to be lucky to win them. It's up to you how many you get.

That being said... let's give away some awesome points, shall we?

All you have to do is guess which blogger is which. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. This is for 2,000 awesome points. If you get it partially correct, you get partial awesome points. Answers can be found by visiting blogs and looking in the about me section.

Blogger one: This blogger was in a sorority in college. Don't let that fool you, though - she says she's quite the nerd. She loves Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings. She loves music almost as much as her new husband, and though you wouldn't know it from her picture, she loves making ridiculous faces for the camera.

Blogger two: This blogger likes to bite off more than she can chew, which might make it awkward if you ask her a question while her mouth is full. She, like every other blogger, loves Harry Potter (are we sensing a theme here?) and Pokemon. She has a husband, a blog, and a really cute dog (I should be a poet). She loves to get her DIY on and stalk Pinterest for new ideas.

Blogger three: This blogger is a high school Spanish teacher who loves to travel. She just got an iPhone 5 and is also obsessed with Harry Potter. She probably also thinks she is dying at any given time, because she's a self-diagnosed hypochondriac. You may see her pull a ketchup bottle out of her purse.

Blogger four: This blogger can do one mean rendition of the chicken dance, electric slide, or macarena - whatever it is, she can do it, because she loves dancing. She has probably seen a moose (or ten) and maybe a polar bear. Or Russia. From her backyard. Anyway, she plays the sax (I said sax, not sex), and is really good at that, too. She probably loves Harry Potter, even though it doesn't say that in her "about me" section.

So who's who??? Visit their blogs and guess away! If you like what you read, be sure to visit their other social media so that you can stalk them forever.


Rima said...

girl, just reading about FRIED CHICKEN is making me hungary. mmmmmnomnomnom.

Kell said...

Soo Kim is blogger 3. The Spanish teacher.

Whitney would be blogger 1. Sorority girl

Madison is blogger 2

Which leaves Erinn for blogger 4!

PS Now I want chicken.. so bad.

Sara Louise said...

I haven't had nearly enough coffee yet this morning to try and earn awesome points. I'm a failure.
On another note... DAMN... I want some fried chicken now! :)

Emily said...

blogger 1 = whitney

blogger 2 = madison

blogger 3 = kim

blogger 4 =erin

that was tough! but awesome.

Unknown said...

And I'm now craving a smoothie and clean car! I skimmed Perks of Being a Wallflower in high school and regret not reading it fully. I've also always wanted to be part of a book club! Looks like the stars have aligned for me, can't wait to see what book is chosen!

English Anderson said...

Blogger 1 = Whitney

Blogger 2 = Madison

Blogger 3 = Kim

Blogger 4 = Erinn

hooray! And I didn't even cheat!

rooth said...

You are friggin great to do "awesome points." My friends and I do weird points and it is DEFINITELY not the same thing - you don't want to be the winner of that

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

I know without a doubt #3 is Kim.

And Cane's sauce is amazing. and their toast. and their chicken, of course.


M. said...

Kim: 3
Madison: 2
Erinn: 4
Whiney: 1

BOOM. Tally me up, lady! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

im guessing...

kim is blogger 4
erinn is blogger 3
madison is blogger 2
whitney is blogger1

Anonymous said...

I LOVE smoothies, too! There were shops all over FL, but I guess the craze hasn't caught on as much in Rockvale, TN because I have to make my own smoothies now. Booooo.

My truck gets a bath and a vacuuming once a year. That's it. I really do love my truck and I hate neglecting it like that, but I NEVER think about it unless I'm driving in it and then when I get home, I've already gotten about it. I'm an idiot.

Alana Christine said...

Smoothies are so great! I haven't had one in forever though...

Diana, Down Home Traveler said...

Great blogs. I've had Raising Cane's once (even though we have them in TX, I had it in Louisiana). The sauce was good!
#1 - Whitney, #2 - Madison, #3 Kim, #4 Erin
Have a great Friday!

EMily said...

I want more awesome points! Blogger 3 is kimberly rae, Blogger 2 is Madison, Blogger 1 is Whitney, and Blogger 4 is Erinn!

Brittany said...

Fried chicken and smoothies!? sounds sooo good.

Amanda G. said...

Now I'm craving smoothies and fried chicken. Lol.

For the awesome points:
Blogger One is totally Whitney.
Blogger Two is Madison.
Blogger Three is Kim.
Blogger Four is Erinn.

Simply Evani said...

I did NOT know you literally count awesome points! (wait, you do right?) Gah, I'm so gullible. Anyways I cracked the code:
blogger1 = whitney

blogger2 = madison

blogger3 = kim

blogger4 =erinn

riana. said...

i love raising canes!!!! gosh...that makes me want it right now! the canes sauce is to die for!

Erinn said...

This is the best ever. Thank you for the great feature :D


Katrin said...

I never really tried smoothies but it seems like I have to give them a chance!

Breenah said...

Oh a smoothie sounds so good right now, but Quinn's still afraid of the blender.
1 - Whitney
2 - Madison
3 - Kim
4 - Erinn

And I'm pretty sure we're getting fried chicken next pay day.

Unknown said...

I wish we had a smoothie place here... All we have is snow cones. Which rocks... but it's still not the same. ;)

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I want fried chicken. *pout*

kim @ a positive peace said...

Lol I love this!! & not just bc I'm in. Also bc I love Fridays. When I worked at a mall Chickfila we traded chicken for smoothies all the time... So see how I'm all about tying my whole comment together with ur post?! Cause I'm cool like that. Also, really gotta get my car cleaned!!

Unknown said...

So...you love in Lincoln? YAY! :) I lived here for 20 years before I moved out here to Colorado! For starters the Huskers BETTER win tomorrow! Secondly I misssss Juice Stop! I used to get one once a week on my way to class at UNL :) I'm glad I found you on this blog so I can reconnect with some of my Nebraska ways!

Kelly said...

YUMMY SMOOTHIES. The best... but ya know, I've never liked chicken fingers. Call me crazy, but it's true!

Keetha Broyles said...

I'm scared to death about the WI/Neb game tomorrow.

We're here in IN with Keri and our grans and I'm planning to dress all out and everything while trying to pull my boys through to beat your boys again this year.

However - - - in my heart of hearts I'm real scared nothing I can do will help - - -

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

I just really need a book to read that is going to steal my heart..

You should let me know just what book is waiting for me.

RadiantKristen said...

I love this game! You have made it far cooler than I imagined in my head. Ever.
Kim = Blogger 3
Erinn = Blogger 4
Madison = Blogger 2
Whitney = Blogger 1

Unknown said...

1. I wish you'd posted a picture of the actually chicken (I know..I'm obsessed with food lol!)

2. THANK YOU for explaining the book club and how it works. I want to join in but I love that it's so flexible that in the event life gets a bit crazy I don't feel bad about being a "bad" member.

3. Have a wonderful weekend with your in laws! xo

kaila mo said...

aw this is so cool, what a fun idea!! okay i think i've got it..
blogger 1:whitney

Rosie said...

So it's Whitney, Madison, Kim and Erinn. I already read Whitney's blog, love Madison's chevrons, can't believe how many people Erinn found to guest post. I've never found so many awesome posters and well...i'm settling down to read Kim's now. I'd love some awesome points....but thanks for the blog finds. Grin!

Jessica said...

Kim is Blogger three, the High School Spanish teacher. Erinn is Blogger four and I love her hair. Madison is Blogger two. Whitney is Blogger One and I love her silly faces.

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