5 Year Flashback. My Jeans are Older than my Cat.

Linking up here
jeans: BKE cami&tee: walmart tennis shoes: new balance(not running shoes - that would be a sin)
Happy Hump Day!!! 

There is something you should know about me. 

I am a jeans hoarder. Seriously. If I can fit my butt into a pair of jeans, they do not get thrown away until there is a gaping hole the the nether regions. Don't believe me? These jeans are older than my cat. In fact, here's a picture of me wearing them five and a half years ago.
What's that? You want to know all about the freak in the "then" photo? Okay.

Five years ago, I was the girl you see in the "then" pictures. I was only eighteen. I had about a month to go till I would graduate high school, and I could eat an entire large pizza by myself. I had only ever had two boyfriends, and I skipped school a lot. I was actually playing hooky with some friends when those photos were taken.

I took my friend to the senior prom because no one asked me. I once got in trouble for wearing shorts that were "too short." To this day, I am convinced that my shorts weren't too short - my legs were too long.
I thought I couldn't wait to get away from my parents. I wrote a twelve page essay on the history of Barbie, and why she contributes to eating disorders among young girls. I gave the speech at my high school graduation, and wished that I'd been better prepared. I went to Nashville for a modeling competition and was told by 10 agencies that I was too tall. 
Five years ago, I was on my way to becoming the person I am today. Since then, I've loved, had my heart broken, made mistakes, learned from those mistakes, experienced more than I ever thought possible, and met and married the man of my dreams. Five years has brought me a long way. 

Where/who were you five years ago? 


lori said...

i love this post... i like to see a little insight at how you got to where you are today, ya know? 5 years ago i was in college, and dating my now husband. we broke up for about 6 weeks and it was SO hard, but it was probably the best thing that could have happened for our relationship. funny how you look back and realize these things.

and i think that is so funny that you still have jeans from 5 years ago. mine are long gone.

Dearest Lou said...

Great post. I am a clothes hoarder myself but have gotten better since I've been married (: Alyx have you ever considered being a model you seriously have the face and body for it! Not even kidding.

Sara Louise said...

Five years ago I was in Dublin, living the single in the city life and working my ass off.
Now I'm a housewife in France.
But you know what has remained the same... I still hoard jeans!

Rima said...

this is awesome... Now you're making me think back 5 years ago. I might refer you for my Reminiscing Wednesday Post. woo.

btw, dank you look hawt.

Nikki said...

Oh I love this and hearing about you then! I can't believe the modeling agencies said you were too tall! Ridiculous! I skipped school a lot too ;) So wait, did you speak about your Barbie essay at graduation?! I'm sure whatever you said was great, even if you felt unprepared!

Unknown said...

My gosh you're gorgeous, it's just not fair! And I love your jeans! I wish I could still fit into the ones I had in high school but alas, birthing a child has forever altered my hips hahahahaha

Hey I only had 2 boyfriends before Andrew, it's the third time's a charm effect ;)

Fash Boulevard said...

OMG. I love this post. So cool to see these pictures. Thanks for sharing. :)

I would love for you to stop by and check out my pictures from my first Fashion Week.

Regarding Rehse said...

LOVE this post!! And you would have been a amazing model! Their loss!

Laura said...

Totally their loss. You should have been a model. We may not know you then because if you were "Giselle" you would not have time to blog. I am glad it worked out that way. Have a great week Alyx!

M. said...

I've always had the "my legs are just too long" problem, I feel your pain.

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

I'm a jean horder too, like dont't hink I've ever thrown any in still wearable shape away. Even the ones that don't fit anymore. They then become inspiration jeans.

5 years ago I was beginning my freshman year of college. That's about all I can say here right now, but basically I totally get where you were at.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Lord... 5 years ago I was 24 and planning a wedding even though I had warning bells that I shouldn't stay with the guy I married. How awful is that?? But hey, live and learn.

And be happy you can fit into the jeans you had 5 years ago. Pretty sure I couldn't!

EMily said...

I can't remember five years ago. All I know is about a week after I got married, I got pregnant, and that was three years ago...

rooth said...

I'm a jeans hoarder too - I have a pair from high school... which for me was 10 years ago! (Crap, 10 years) Five years ago I had started my first job out of college and was on my way to becoming a champion non-sleeper and marathon worker. I'm not where I thought I would be in five years but that's not a bad thing at all

Whitney H said...

When you said that you were 18 five years ago, I thought, "wow, she must be older than me." Then I counted: five years ago, I was 18 too. I am old too. Damn it.

Five years ago, I was in a serious relationship with a punk rock boy who was a year younger than me. I had just started college and was a pledge in my sorority. I was started to get interested in religion and started going to church regularly. I wore lots of skinny jeans and band tees with my chucks. I had super duper long hair and often wore it in braided pigtails.... I was a weird one.

Anonymous said...

Wait...I thought it wasn't possible to be too tall for modeling?! What the crap. They totally missed out on signing you (or whatever it is called...) I know you're never too old t be a model. I saw a story on yahoo yesterday where an 81 year old was walking the runway. WOW.

his little lady said...

Look at those model shots. HOTTIE over here! I can't believe you were told you were too tall! Didn't they see ANTM when the winner was 6'2". You are rockin' it, girl! And I'm a little jealous that you still fit into your high school jeans!! ;)
xo TJ

Brianna said...

What the heck? Too tall to be a model??? When has being TOO TALL been a modeling issue?!?! BTW... those are great pics!

Unknown said...

TOO tall to be a model!?!? How does that work out??
5 years ago... wow... I didn't realize I'm THAT much older than you if you were only 18 five years ago. 5 years ago I was able to drink legally. I was in college. Already dating the hubs. But still so young. A lot can change in five years.

Niken said...

you're such a model!
i've never heard such thing as 'too tall to be a model' before.weird.

i love old and chapped jeans and it's making my mom crazy.

Breenah said...

I like Alyx then AND now :D And I'm glad I know both Alyx's too!

twiggy@thedirtlife said...

Awww, I feel like I know Alyx a little bit more!

At least you can still fit in the same jeans you wore 5 years ago. That is life's hardest work.

Ashley said...

I was always the one who never got in trouble for shorts because my legs are not that long!!!

I was just barely married 5 years ago...memories!

Simply Evani said...

You should've made this a link up Alyx, its a great post! For the record you look HOT in those modeling pictures and who the heck is too tall for modeling? You're not a freakin giant. Anyhoot, I too was 18 5 years ago and I'm almost too embarrassed to think about the ridiculousness (and awesomeness) of that time period. But anyhoot, you rock, as always.

Diana, Down Home Traveler said...

5 years ago I was planning my move to Texas (well in a month from now) and it was a move on a whim. Amazing to think about what would've happened if I didn't make the leap. Kinda interesting to think about where we were 5 years ago.

Whitney Cypert said...

How tall are you? I'm tall too! I cant believe a modeling agency would say anyone is too tall! They usually love tall girls. I am a jeans hoarder too, only I keep the jeans that don't even fit over my butt anymore. I swear to myself that I will, one day, fit into them again. Pathetic, I know.

MacKensie said...

This is wonderful. love, love, love it.

kim @ a positive peace said...

nice!! also a jeans hoarder!!

5 years ago i had just started my first year teaching, and i had moved to nyc 4 months earlier. say whaaaa.

gosh, a lot changes in five years! since then i've met the <333 of my life but made a lot of mistakes along the road before that!!!

i love this post! i love looking back and remembering how much i've changed/grown

and i love this post so much im gonna steal the idea and do my own. :) imitation is the greatest form of flattery after all!!

Kelly said...

Wow, cool post! the longest own pair of jeans I have are 6 years old now but I cut them into denim shorts earlier this year because they were getting wayyyyy too frayed and hole-y.
To be honest, five years ago I wasn't really much different than now. Now that I think about it, I've just gotten older and gotten an education, but not much has really truly changed. Weird...

Durante said...

lol, I have lots of clothes that are older than your cat. I should probably not admit to that... I even have a shirt or two that are older than my kids.

Great pictures, five years ago I was beginning to realize that health was important and wouldn't come "free" as I got older.

RadiantKristen said...

You are SO PRETTY. My word. It really isn't fair.

5 years ago, I had just turned 22, and moved back to CO from finishing college in IN. I was living with my parents for a few months and working at a group home for the developmentally disabled. I was also in the midst of losing 50 pounds. And I was about to start dating a boy who was in the Army with my cousin. God, that was a long time ago. He's married now and has kids.

Melissa Boo said...

Yowza!!! Your shorts aren't short at all. They're not short until your butt cheeks are hanging out of the bottom.

Molly McIsaac said...

Wow. Thinking of myself 5 years ago... well, I was an annoying, awkward, irritating person. I would probably punch 18 year old me in the face! Haha.


Unknown said...

My shorts weren't too short-my legs were too long! That's something I would an have said! 5 years ago I was 17...I wish I had the personality I have now then.

Unknown said...

Nice. This is an excellent source of information. I like your blog. Thanks for sharing this blog.

andrea said...

i love this! especially the jeans thing. i keep clothes forever, until they fall apart or don't fit me right anymore. i got a really cute military jacket when i was in 6th grade, and i wore it clear up until i was a junior in high school. i still have shirts in my closet that i have had since i was 17... I'm 22 now. so i'm glad I'm not the only one!

No(dot dot)el said...

I think I may have this jean hoarder problem you speak of, only sadly I have just had to get rid of some of my pre-preggers jeans. Stink! You are too cute though, and I can't believe they told you were too tall.

Emily said...

Whats up super babe? I loved your five year reflection. And your old jeans. Man I love old jeans. Packing on pounds doesn't fair well for my old jeans. Operation detox is in order.

Jennie said...

16, horribly depressed after my first-ever boyfriend and I broke up and everything fell apart with him and everything else. I would rather be almost-twenty-one than almost-sixteen. Ha, that literally the worst year of my life. Blehhh!

PS I don't think you're too tall. And your shorts weren't too short.

PPS I asked that one girl if she was related to you and alas, she is not. But I sounded like a creeper in the process.

PPPS I have jeans from six years ago too! I don't really like buying jeans, so I only have 6-8 pairs. Nothing fancy. 7/8 from American Eagle. It's terrible.

Renee Arianna said...

Seriously great post! I found you through Rima. Can't wait to blog stalk you a bit more. I too am a jeans hoarder. I even keep jeans that I can't fit into because one day I know that I will again! Freak, I know. ;)

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