You know the drill - grab a button and link up your confessions below. Make sure to link to an actual confessions post, and to visit some other blogs and make new friends while you're at it!

2. I still haven't had the chance to read all you guys' confessions from last week. I promise I'll do it today. I was going to do it last night, but...
3. I'm not doing a very good job of bailing. I just keep thinking of things I want to say.
4. I changed my blog design... again. I just get bored having the same design for too long.
5. I can't just leave you with four things. You know how I feel about groups of five.
PS: If you're in the Blogger Book Club - the book for November is "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn.
I also get bored with my blog design sometimes but I try to keep it a bit minimalist and just focus on content. One day I am going to have someone design my blog for me and stick to that, once I know EXACTLY what I want!
i totally love your new blog design!!!
Love the new design...I get bored quickly as well!
Yay, I'm excited to read Gone Girl!! :)
LOve the new blog desing! :) Enjoy your sunday!
Love the design! I just discovered this Sunday Confession and plan on participating each week now :)
i'm bipolar when it comes to my blog design. only that i'm not a design genius like you
I spent so long sorting out blog things yesterday, yet didn't seem to achieve much. Liking the design tweaks. Xx
I'm sorry you feel like poop! I wish it were possible to mail people tacos, I would send you a big taco-goodness dinner, and you could eat it while crying in bed. Life would be so glorious, no?
I'm not in the book club, but I read Gone Girl several months back and it was SUCH a head trip. Loved the book.
Too bad you had to turn it off, because I heard (from my husband several times) that they won. I bet it totally would've made you feel better to watch that :)
Feel better Alyx! <3
I wish I had half the skills you have for blog layouts though! haha
Please name your baby stinky diaper face....puh-lease! And I love the design! I wish I was talented enough to understand how to change mine, but I guess ignorance is bliss right :)
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