Oh, Life is just "Peach"-y.

Have you entered the Birthday Giveaways??? 
How far along are you? 13 weeks

How big is Baby? Almost 3 inches long and almost 1 oz. The size of a peach! 

Weight Gain? A pound and a half

 Gender? We don't know yet, but you can vote!

Maternity Clothes? Nope - my normal clothes are snug, but they still fit. 

Stretch Marks? Nope!

Sleep? I'm sleeping a little better, but still wake up to pee occasionally. 

Symptoms? Still the mood swings, occasional migraines, and pain in my lower back.  

Movement? None that I can feel, but I know the little rascal is probably kicking away. 

Food Cravings? SUGAR. Seriously - candy has been my downfall.  

Labor Signs? None. 

Belly Button in or out? In. 

What I miss? Energy. 

What I am looking forward to? Having a belly! 

Best moment of the week? My best friend came and surprised me on my birthday, and Mike was able to keep it a secret and make it a surprise!! One of my other best friends brought over eight boxes of children's books for us to go through for baby. I feel so blesse
And now, because it's Friday, it's time for my favorite things! 

But... I'm doing things a little differently this week. Instead of telling you about my favorite things, I want to give you my favorite things, all wrapped up in a nice little package and sent to you in the mail.

You have to win, though - I can't send this stuff to everyone.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

My favourite thing about this week is enjoying such fabulous weather while everyone back home has had to deal with snow.
Kayleigh http://thewayiwanderlust.blogspot.com.au/

Susanne said...

Fav thing this week? Selfish me says my new jacket!

Sinead said...

I finished my final year at University, and moved back to my home town. So now I'm relaxing and enjoying sunny New Zealand!

erin e flynn said...

my favorite thing about this week was getting all of indie gift box shipped off! so exciting! =]

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

can my favorite thing be the sole fact that it's friday. yayy for favorite things giveaway!

Unknown said...

Direct flights. LOVE them.

Coming home. Love it more.

Fruity pebbles on sale for $1.40 - DONE!

Raych said...

My favorite thing about this week: We got our first snow fall and I got to wear my new winter boots!

Unknown said...

Favorite thing this week: elections are over. Watching my one year old try to mop and learn to blow her nose.

And yay on 13 weeks!

Kaity said...

the main good thing about this week is that the weather cooled off for a few days. other than that, it's been stress after stress after stress.

Genna said...

Honestly I'm loving that it's Friday and I get a chance to pretend that school doesn't exist for two days. I adore these posts, too! So I guess that's another favorite. I seriously am so excited to follow your journey :)

Unknown said...

One of my favorite things about this week was that I went on a second date with a really great guy. He's funny, we have such a good time together and we're opening up to each other more and more I it is such a thrill. He treats me so well and in general, I just feel fortunate to be in such wonderful company :)

Have a great weekend Alyx (and little peach baby g!)

Madeline Grace said...

My favorite thing about this week is realizing that I've lost 20 pounds!

I love the graphics you us for baby post! You're adorable.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about this week was getting to hang out with my friend!

Amanda G. said...

One of my favorite things about this week is that all of the political ads and phone calls have finally stopped!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing this week was having a serious conversation about everything and making some decisions ;)

Julann said...

My favorite thing this week was waking up to rain, we hardly ever get rain in San Diego

RadiantKristen said...

1st trimester is over!!! And that creature... such a good grower to be 3 inches long already.

My favorite thing about this week? Probably that I found out that so many bloggers are secret 75 year olds.

Kylie said...

You look great! One of my favorite parts about this week is that it rained yesterday. I'm lame.

Simply Evani said...

One of my favorite things this week was coming back to sunshine in California! Seattle was beautiful but so dark and sunshine-less. I'm clearly a CA girl!

Breenah said...

My favorite thing about this week is that it's almost over. All three of us have gotten sick at one point or another. Quinn and Jarrod are sleeping it off right now. Blah.

On a completely different note, when you get a big ol' belly you're gonna be so adorable!

Unknown said...

It's raining today!!! It never rains here... haha. So I'm pumped!

Azia said...

one of my favorite things about this week has been the awesome parent/teacher conference we had with Eva's teacher and... getting some headway on my NaNo novel!

Lissa @ Pass Go and Be Below said...

even though sometimes i don't like hearing what size a baby is - you totally changed my mind today!

cynthia said...

Favorite thing this week... maybe the first rain in weeks! I don't like driving in it, but otherwise I don't mind it.
What a nice lady you are giving stuff away! Happy Friday :)

Andrea H. said...

My favorite thing this week was going on a business trip that got me out of the office for a couple days.

Unknown said...

The best part of this week is that I get to go to a football game tomorrow and it's supposed to be almost 70! Yay for indian summer!

Why Girls Are Weird said...


Abbey said...

This week I loved feeling good at my job. I still feel new most days. It was a good feeling.

Lindsay said...

My favourite thing about this week is that it's a long week - yay!!

Anonymous said...

my favorite thing this week is that we got into our cute cottage AND finally got everything unpacked :)) which is so great because usually when i move i have to get everything done the same day. im crazy. this time it took a week AHHH but im so happy its over!!

Melissa Boo said...

A few favorite things - I had pumpkin mac n' cheese and I had 4.5 days off from work.

Jamie said...

My favorite thing about this week was the fact that my home state of Hawaii now is the first with a female Senator!


Kym said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kym said...

That's so sweet and generous, Alyx! I am really hoping I win just so I can share in some of your favorite things :) Oh yeah, my favorite thing about this week was seeing Cirque du Soleil Beetles Love in Vegas. Seriously it was one of my most favorite things I've done in life! And Obama's win was pretty sweet, too.


Vapid Vixen said...

My favorite thing about this week is that Erik just measured the snow outside and it's already at 8.5 inches and not letting up any time soon.

Courtney B said...

My favorite thing about this week is Eric painted my toenails!! He's the BEST!
And we always joke about my "super sniffer" :) But the smells definitely let up as my pregnancy went on.

Sara Louise said...

My favorite thing about this week is that it's rained all weekend... perfect lazy couch weather!!!

Kori said...

My favourite thing about this week was falling asleep beneath my friends' Great Dane <3

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

Favorite things this week: Baking my first pie--ever! Starting to register for the babe :)

Diana, Down Home Traveler said...

Favorite things about this week, live music, meeting new bloggers, good weather, peacefulness, good friends, skype with my neice!

Sarah said...

My favorite things about this week are my salon and spa appointments :) MUCH needed!

Lauren // Pink on the Cheek said...

one of my favorite things this week was going to a blogger meetup and meeting some new bloggers!!

Breanna said...

One of my fave things about this week was finishing my last Med/Surg clinical of nursing school!

kaila mo said...

aw this is so cute, i love this post!!

rooth said...

Can I have sugar cravings alongside you? Because that's pretty much always :) I guess maybe I can't call it a craving

Kaity B. said...

Pre-Thanksgiving with my family <3

Unknown said...

that its almost thanksgiving!!

Anna said...

favorites this week:
I discovered blood orange chiobata greek yogurt. YUM!
cutting mo's hair successfully.
boise temple open house.
I want to win so I can find out what your favorites are! :)

Bri Buzali said...

I love these updates, and can't wait to see baby bump pictures!

his little lady said...

Aw, I can't wait for a little belly too. They are just too cute!
xo TJ

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about this week? (Or last week since that's when you posted this.) MY PARENTS ARE COMING HOME! Like, for good! They move back from India next week!! Wooohoooo!!!

Amy Harris said...

i finished my student teaching this week. hells yes!

Andrea @ Love is... said...

My favorite thing is that I finally got a new job!!

Unknown said...

It's almost over? Sorry, its the end of the semester~*


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