You all know how it goes - grab a button and link on up!

2. I normally don't care about the superbowl. But... this year the 49ers are playing, and my parents are huge 49ers fans, so I may watch.
3. I'm obsessed with bulk shopping. So much so that I bought a 3,000 ft roll of seran wrap. It will probably last us 20 years, so hopefully it's decent.
4. I didn't get to read at all this week! I think I was able to read maybe 200 pages of my book. This is no bueno, considering in a "normal" week I finish two or three!
5. I'm worried, terrified, anxious, and nervous about what's to come. I've thought a lot about what life will be like in a few months when we have our little girl at home. I am so nervous about all the additional expenses, and my job barely covers us now. The financial aspect of things is just really starting to worry me. I know deep down that, while it may be difficult, it will all be okay, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried now! It's a good thing we learned hardcore how to budget while we were in Germany.
What do you have to confess?
As a mom of a 2 1/2 year old and with another one on the way in May, I know what you mean about worrying about finances. One thing I will suggest? When you have your baby shower, include a note inside the invitation asking each guest to bring a package of diapers for a diaper raffle. We do that at every shower because that is truly one of the biggest costs in the first year. When we had my baby shower for my daughter, we got so many diapers we didn't need to buy any for the first 8 months other life.
I confess that I've been waiting for this post so I could join in the link up!
I hate weeks with no reading, blogging and financial stress. You'll get there though. You're a resilient, awesome lady. Xx
I know exactly what you mean about worrying about finances. Our kids are 4 and 2, and it's still a bit of a struggle sometimes. But it has helped us put things in perspective and figure out what things really *are* necessities. I promise it'll all be worth it when your beautiful little girl is in your arms. :)
Happy, happy Sunday, Alyx!
I TOTALLY get where you are coming from! It's so...terrifying to wonder if you'll ever have enough, or be able to provide enough for little ones. My husband is turning 29 this July and I just turned 27 a month ago and we definitely want a baby's so scary!
I haven't visited your blog in a while, so I want to say congrats on the little one that you are expecting!! xo
Finances are always so stressful! But you're right, it will be okay!!!
I can only imagine the stress! The hubs and I are TALKING about when to start TRYING for kids and just the thought of it is stressful. I'm sure it will work out, things always seem to, and I'll be praying for you!
Ha I love shopping in bulk too! Seriously if I could buy everything at Costco, I would. Just wait until we have a deep freeze. I'm with ya on the worrying about finances. I'm worrying about the whole thing actually. Having a baby is kind of nerve racking at about this point.
Omg, dusting ceiling fans is like the worst job in the world. I hate it. I want to see a picture of that saran wrap :P xxx
One of the reasons I want to wait a while yet before kids is get get my financial situation under control first. Babies can be so expensive! Have you considered cloth diapering? From what little I've researched it probably would be cheaper in the long run than having to buy tons of disposables over the years and you can even save them for any future kids :) But really, I think no matter what you'll make things work out!
I confess that I'm wishing bad karma on a table that left me a 9 cent tip today. Will that give me bad karma?
Haha um I would probably use all that seran wrap in one night! I know a few cars that could use a wrapping job ;)
OMG you read 2 or 3 books in a week? I am lucky to have enough energy for 20 pages!!!! NICE!
The seran wrap had me laughing. That is a crazy amount, but it is one of those things that you always run out of when you need it most. And you will be great with your baby! It's totally freaky at first, but life just has a way of adapting and figuring itself out like it always does :)
You are such a fast reader, Alyx! I can't believe that! I started a new book and I can't wait to read more but on the other hand I never want it to be over!
Its hard not to worry. We have two an almost 3 year old and a 1 year old. It was scary at first, we just bought our house when I found out I was pregnant with our first son. It all worked out and things fall into place. you learn what is necessary and what isn't. It all works out - and just being together will be perfect! :)
We bought 216 freezer bags at Sam's this week, and Ammon gave me that sideways look. I ignored him and kept right on shopping. Bulk is best!
ahhh bulk shopping - something I've always missed while in germany!
So I didn't technically grab a button this one time... But my post is most certainly a confession. :) Everything will work itself out, in regards to #5. It's just a matter of learning how to adjust!
I think it's completely normal to be worried. You are entering a new phase in your life and don't really know what to expect. When that day comes, I have no doubt that you will figure it all out! Probably not in the first instant she's born, but it will eventually all come together...
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