Crazy hair... DON'T CARE!


Hope you all are having a fabulous Tuesday. Just think - we're one day closer to the weekend! That's a win for everyone.

Anyway. Today I want to talk to you about hair. You're probably thinking something along the lines of, who the heck are you to blog about hair? In practically every picture I have ever seen of you, your hair is pulled back into a crappy ponytail. 
Touche, my friend - tou-freaking-che.

I'm sure you're just dying to know what I could possibly have to say on the subject of hair, aren't you? Well, it's your lucky day, because I am going to tell you right....

A few weeks ago, I was asked to do a review of a Misikko Hana Pro 1" Flat Iron. As a person who has crazy (read: craptastic) hair exactly 98.73% of the time, I was absolutely ecstatic. I thought, HEY! Now I can go out in public with my hair down and straight! What a victory! As someone who has only owned a total of two flat irons in her entire adult life, I was pretty dang excited to receive this totally rockin' one from Misikko.
Can you imagine my surprise when I got this beautiful package delivered to my door?! It was not just a flat iron - it was a brush, a cooling mat, some bubble bath roses, some makeup, hand sanitizer, and a Christmas ornament. I was flabbergasted. I thought, either this flat iron is a piece of poop, or these people just have amazing customer service. I'll give you a hint - it's the second option.

Don't believe me? Here's the proof.
Yeah - that took me less than 10 minutes. And now we have a happy Alyx who chants "Straight hair... DON'T CARE!!" instead of what I used to grumble. And maybe, just maybe, I look like one of those people who puts effort into their appearance. But probably not.


Anonymous said...

looks like that flat iron works amazingly. I should grab one of those. Your hair looks fantastic straight by the way.

kim @ a positive peace said...

Dude! I've seen a lot of bloggers review that flat iron and I might just have to invest, or, better yet, somehow convince them they want ME to review as well!! Bc I do got the craaaaaazy hair as well! Lately I've just been brushing it at night, sleeping in it and letting it look "purposely messy" the next day but that will NOT work once summer comes around!!

Anonymous said...

Sexy lady!!! I'm the same way. People always notice when my hair is straight, like "wow, you must of had some time this morning!"

So judgmental ;) I love this and I am so sad that I didn't get to meet up with you when I was in Nebraska :(

Let's cross our fingers for when we drive back to UT in August

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

I <3 my straightener. This why my hair is always flat and straight and is never any other form. I'm lazy. Whoops.

Unknown said...

It's getting about time to retire my straightener that I've had for oh, almost ten years or so now.... haha. Maybe this will be the replacement!

Diana, Down Home Traveler said...

It looks awesome! I'm always too lazy to straighten my hair in the morning but if it would take only ten minutes, maybe I'd consider it a bit more, haha!

Unknown said...

I seriously laughed out loud.

I love the before pictures haha and your hair is bea-utiful!

I found you from Elsha's blog at When Mine Became Ours.
I'm excited to read more of your posts!


Madeline Grace said...

I want that flat iron! I seriously need to replace mine of of these days!

Breenah said...

Your hair looks AMAZING. Unfortunately, pregnancy did nothing to help my hair so I'm still stuck with bleh. I think I might go dye it and get bangs again though. I'm really debating getting a Hana.

emi said...

looks so good! i need a new straightener. what a great blog, now following! XO

meet.make.laugh. said...

Looks lovely! I am one of those people whose hair is so poker straight that it won't curl... so my flat iron is used as a curling tool. Though really, 99.9% of the time it is in a plain old ponytail....

Genna said...

What a BABE! I have psycho hair too and I got one of these flat irons for Christmas...a-freaking-mazing dude.

Simply Evani said...

I love your hair straightened! What a hot soon-to-be-mama!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I need to get one of those. My hair is always crazy frizzy and my current straightening iron HATES me.

RadiantKristen said...

You are gorgeous no matter what, Alyx, but crap that straightener is pretty awesome! Way to go on scoring such an awesome product to review.

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures said...

Oh my, I'm impressed, but well you're gorgeous either way!

Brielle said...

ooh. i've been looking for a new flat iron! you're lucky you got to review such a good one! (:

xo, b.

Unknown said...

I wish my hair wouldn't take too long to straighten! Cursed with curly unmanagable hair! UGH!

Whitney Leigh said...

I used to care about my hair.
but then I started working construction, and it's a high bun all day err day.

but on special occasions like work Christmas parties I get all kinds of dolled up to prove to all the dudes I work with that I can be pretty if I try hard and believe in myself.

Julie said...

hey first thing first i like the crappy ponytail look! But i have to admit that straight hair look goood on you too ;)

Sara Louise said...

Your hair looks purty.

T&S said...

WOW... I need me one of those!


XO Lourdes

PS You are gorgeous with or without straight--straight hair!