You know what to do. Grab a button, write out some confessions, link up, and visit other bloggety bloggers who have done the same.

2. I am absolutely appalled at what I used to think was "good" photo editing. I found this gem in my "B&A" album on Facebook, and was shocked. Did I delete it? No. I like to see how far I've come.
3. Essential oils are the bomb-diggity. Really, though - they are. Call me a hippy, but why in the world would I put drugs into my system when I have a natural cure right in front of me?
4. I'm ready to give birth. No, really... let's do this thing! Somebody tell this baby that the world is ready for her to be in it!
5. I'm not afraid or nervous. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm actually excited to give birth. I'm sure it won't be easy, but it's totally doable. It's what my body was made for, right? Hmm. We'll see if I tell Mike, "I'M NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN!!" in the delivery room. I'm sure I will. At least five times. And then I'll hold my cute little alien and say, "LET'S DO THIS AGAIN!" Because I'm totally sane.
Oh I love essential oils. I use them for EVERYTHING!
I hope your excitement is totally justified :D
LOL. You make me laugh. Yes, back in the day, before I was a real photographer, I used to think my photoediting skills were the shizznit. They sucked. Thank goodness I've learned a thing or two since then. Check my maternity shoot out that I just did!
I've recently started using coconut oil as moisturiser and in my hair. It's awesome.
Aww man, since my current editing skills look pretty much like your before pics, I guess you're saying my pics look shitty, right? lol It's ok, I'm aware they're bad, but just don't know where to go to learn. Your pics look great! How did you learn?
5. You are a rock star! Love your attitude lady! :)
Come on baby, the blog world wants to meet you!
I personally think your crazy:) is be scared out of my mind, in fact I'll just be scared for you
I'm starting to really like the oils :)
By the time I was ready to have Mia, I wasn't scared of labor anymore. I was totally willing to do whatever the heck it took to get her OUT! But I did say I was never going to go through that again. But then a couple days later I was begging to go through labor and delivery instead of having to nurse, ha ha!
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